Bahreinian, M., Aasi, E., & Tron, R. (2021). Robust Path Planning and Control For Polygonal Environments via Linear Programming. IEEE American Control Conference.
Wang, C., Bahreinian, M., & Tron, R. (2021). Chance Constraint Robust Control with Control Barrier Functions. IEEE American Control Conference.
Yang, Z., & Tron, R. (2020, submitted). A Toolbox for Optimal Path Planning Under Spatio-Temporal Constraints Using the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers. IEEE American Control Conference.
Bahreinian, M., & Tron, R. (2019). A Computational Theory of Robust Localization Verifiability in the Presence of Pure Outlier Measurements. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
Greenawalt, J., & Tron, R. (2019). A Bearing-Based Control Law for Trajectory Tracking. IEEE American Control Conference.
Jones, A., Leahy, K., Vasile, C. I., Sadraddini, S., Serlin, Z., Tron, R., & Belta, C. (2019). ScRATCHS: Scalable and Robust Algorithms for Task-based Coordination from High-level Specifications. International Symposium on Robotics Research.
Leonardos, S., Daniilidis, K., & Tron, R. (2019). Distributed 3-D Bearing-Only Orientation Localization. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
Serlin, Z., Yang, G., Sookraj, B., Belta, C., & Tron, and R. (2019). Distributed and Consistent Multi-Image Feature Matching via QuickMatch. International Journal of Robotics Research (Submitted).
Vang, B., & Tron, R. (2019). Geometric Attitude Control via Contraction on Manifolds with Automatic Gain Selection. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
Wardega, K., Tron, R., & Li, W. (2019). Masquerade Attack Detection Through Observation Planning for Multi-Robot Systems. International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems.
Yang, G., Belta, C., & Tron, R. (2019). Self-triggered Control for Safety Critical Systems Using Control Barrier Functions. IEEE.
Pandey, P., He, Q., Pompili, D., & Tron, R. (2018). Light-weight Object Detection and Decision Making via Approximate Computing in Resource-constrained Mobile Robots. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Download Download Download
Serlin, Z., Sookraj, B., Belta, C., & Tron, R. (2018, accepted). Consistent Multi-Robot Object Matching via QuickMatch. International Symposium on Experimental Robotics. Download
Vang, B., & Tron, R. (2018). Non-Natural Metrics on the Tangent Bundle. ArXiv.
Karimian, A., & Tron, R. (2017). Theory and Methods for Bearing Rigidity Recovery. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Download
Tron, R., & Daniilidis, K. (2017). The space of essential matrices as a Riemannian quotient manifold. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences. Download
Tron, R., Zhou, X., Esteves, C., & Daniilidis, K. (2017). Fast Multi-image Matching via Density-Based Clustering. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 4077–4086. Download Download Download Download
Tron, R. (2016). A Factorization Approach to Inertial Affine Structure from Motion.
Tron, R., Thomas, J., Loianno, G., Daniilidis, K., & Kumar, V. (2016). A Distributed Optimization Framework for Localization and Formation Control with Applications to Vision-Based Measurements. IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 36(4), 22–44.
Tron, R., Zhou, X., & Daniilidis, K. (2016). A Survey on Rotation Optimization in Structure from Motion. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop on Differential Geometry and Computer Vision. Download
Tron, R., Thomas, J., Loianno, G., Daniilidis, K., & Kumar, V. (2016). Bearing-only formation control with auxiliary distance measurements, leaders, and collision avoidance. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
Carlone, L., Tron, R., Daniilidis, K., & Dellaert, F. (2015). Initialization Techniques for 3D SLAM: a Survey on Rotation Estimation and its Use in Pose Graph Optimization. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation.
Leonardos, S., Tron, R., & Daniilidis, K. (2015). A Metric Parametrization for Trifocal Tensors with Non-Colinear Pinholes. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 259–267.
Tron, R., Rosen, D. M., & Carlone, L. (2015). On the inclusion of determinant constraints in Lagrangian duality for 3D SLAM. Workshop on The Problem of Mobile Sensors.
Tron, R., Carlone, L., Dellaert, F., & Daniilidis, K. (2015). Rigid Components Identification and Rigidity Enforcement in Bearing-Only Localization using the Graph Cycle Basis. IEEE American Control Conference.
Atanasov, N., Tron, R., Preciado, V. M., & Pappas, G. J. (2014). Joint estimation and localization in sensor networks. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 6875–6882.
Tron, R., & Daniilidis, K. (2014). An Optimization Approach to Bearing-Only Visual Homing with Applications to a 2-D Unicycle Model. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation.
Tron, R., & Daniilidis, K. (2014). On the quotient representation for the essential manifold. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop on Differential Geometry and Computer Vision.
Tron, R., & Daniilidis, K. (2014). Statistical Pose Averaging with Varying and Non-Isotropic Covariances. European Conference on Computer Vision.
Tron, R., & Daniilidis, K. (2014). Technical report on Optimization-Based Bearing-Only Visual Homing with Applications to a 2-D Unicycle Model.
Tron, R., & Vidal, R. (2014). Distributed 3-D Localization of Camera Sensor Networks from 2-D Image Measurements. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
Tron, R., Osteen, P., Owens, J., & Daniilidis, K. (2014). Pose Optimization for the Registration of Multiple Heterogeneous Views. Workshop on Multi-View Geometry in Robotics.
Tron, R., Thomas, J., Loianno, G., Polin, J., Kumar, V., & Daniilidis, K. (2014). Vision-based formation control of aerial vehicles. Workshop on Distributed Control and Estimation for Robotic Vehicle Networks.
Afsari, B., Tron, R., & Vidal, R. (2013). On the convergence of gradient descent for finding the Riemannian center of mass. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 51(3), 2230–2260.
Tron, R., Afsari, B., & Vidal, R. (2013). Riemannian consensus for manifolds with bounded curvature. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 58(4), 921–934.
Singaraju, D., Tron, R., Elhamifar, E., Yang, A. Y., & Sastry, S. (2012). On the Lagrangian biduality of sparsity minimization problems. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 3429–3432.
Tron, R. (2012). Distributed optimization on manifolds for consensus algorithms and camera network localization [PhD Thesis]. The Johns Hopkins University.
Tron, R., Afsari, B., & Vidal, R. (2012). Intrinsic consensus on SO(3) with almost-global convergence. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2052–2058.
Chen, Y., Tron, R., Terzis, A., & Vidal, R. (2011). Accelerated corrective consensus: Converge to the exact average at a faster rate. IEEE American Control Conference, 3417–3422.
Chen, Y., Tron, R., Terzis, A., & Vidal, R. (2011). Corrective consensus with asymmetric wireless links. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 6660–6665.
Tron, R., & Vidal, R. (2011). Average Consensus on Riemannian Manifolds with Bounded Curvature. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
Tron, R., & Vidal, R. (2011). Distributed computer vision algorithms. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 28(3), 32–45.
Tron, R., & Vidal, R. (2011). Distributed computer vision algorithms through distributed averaging. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 57–63.
Tron, R., Terzis, A., & Vidal, R. (2011). Distributed consensus algorithms for image-based localization in camera sensor networks. In Distributed Video Sensor Networks (pp. 289–302). Springer.
Chen, Y., Tron, R., Terzis, A., & Vidal, R. (2010). Corrective consensus: Converging to the exact average. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1221–1228.
Rao, S., Tron, R., Vidal, R., & Ma, Y. (2010). Motion segmentation in the presence of outlying, incomplete, or corrupted trajectories. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 32(10), 1832–1845.
Tron, R., & Vidal, R. (2009). Distributed Image-Based 3-D Localization in Camera Sensor Networks. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
Rao, S. R., Tron, R., Vidal, R., & Ma, Y. (2008). Motion segmentation via robust subspace separation in the presence of outlying, incomplete, or corrupted trajectories. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1–8.
Vidal, R., Tron, R., & Hartley, R. (2008). Multiframe motion segmentation with missing data using PowerFactorization and GPCA. International Journal of Computer Vision, 79(1), 85–105.