6th Annual Survey of AI Startups 2024:
AI Technologies and Algorithmic Bias
Please click here to take the survey.
Boston University and New York University are now partnering with HEC Paris and the University of Oxford to release the 6th Annual Survey of AI Startups. AI is no longer just a fancy buzzword – AI products are now implemented across all sectors of the economy. Many of these technologies underlying these products make us more productive at work, help find trends in big data, and make movies look more realistic and music sound better. At the same time, they raise the bar for digital security.
AI startups, like your firm, are helping drive this progress! However, AI-focused entrepreneurs face many issues, such as access to training data, compliance with ever-evolving regulations, and raising funds, while trying to develop their initial products. These startups must confront numerous ethical issues concerning AI and big data while making many decisions about underlying technologies. In addition to better understating competition in AI entrepreneurship, this sixth survey will help us learn more about how AI startups navigate these uncharted waters.
We have published five reports based on our prior surveys of AI startups. In our inaugural survey in 2019, we focused on the impact of AI on labor. Over the next several years, we have examined the impact of GDPR on AI startups, ethics in AI development, and corporate governance. Last year, we examined contracting AI as a service.
Would you be willing to invest 10 minutes answering a few questions about your AI startup? We will provide all respondents with a free summary report in June 2024 to offer additional insight into this developing industry.
Lastly, your responses are confidential. The researchers at the universities conducting the study will not release any personally identifiable or firm-specific information. Only aggregates will be reported.
If you run an AI startup and would like to receive the survey, reach out to Michael Impink (impink@hec.fr).
Please click here to take the survey.