IP Day 2020
Intellectual Property and Technology Markets
Monday and Tuesday,
July 27-28, 2020
Hosted virtually by TPRI @ BU Law
Intellectual property rights not only provide incentives to innovate, but also support trade in markets for ideas and technology. From patent licensing to technology transfer to mergers and acquisitions, how well do these markets function in different industries and for different types of intellectual property? Are technology markets working efficiently for buyers, sellers and creators of IP? How can public policy support the division of innovative labor and balance the incentives to create and disseminate new ideas?
We had presentations of the latest research on these topics and more, including a panel discussion with licensing attorneys at leading corporations, at TPRI’s fourth annual IP Conference, July 27-28, 2020.
Monday, July 27
Introduction (9.45-10.00am)
Panel 1 (10.00 – 11.30am)
- Olena Ivus, Edwin Lai, and Ted Sichelman “An Economic Model of Patent Exhaustion”
- Jorge Contreras, Bronwyn Hall, and Christian Helmers,“Green Technology Diffusion: A Post-Mortem Analysis of the Eco-Patent Commons”
- Justus Baron, Cher Li, and Shukhrat Nasirov, “Why Do R&D-Intensive Firms Participate in Standards Organizations? The Role of Patents and Product-Market Position”
- Discussant: Tim Simcoe (BU)
- Moderator: Mike Meurer (BU)
Panel 2 (11.45am – 12.45pm)
- Ayfer Ali and Iain Cockburn, “Buyer Behavior in Markets for Technology: Technology Proximity Between Firm Portfolio and In-Licensed Patents”
- Fabian Gaessler, Dietmar Harhoff, and Stefan Sorg, “Bargaining Failure and Freedom to Operate: Re-Evaluating the Effect of Patents on Cumulative Innovation”
- Discussant: Bhaven Sampat (Columbia)
- Moderator: Rosemarie Ziedonis (BU)
Panel 3 (1.15 – 2.45pm)
- George Chondrakis, Carlos Serrano, and Rosemarie Ziedonis, “Information Disclosure and the Market for Acquiring Technology Companies”
- Kai Li and Jin Wang, “Human Capital Synergies and Mergers and Acquisitions”
- Ashish Arora, Sharon Belenzon, Konstantin Kosenko, Jungkyu Suh, and Yishay Yafeh, “The Rise of American Corporate Science, 1926-1940”
- Discussant: Tim Simcoe (BU)
- Moderator: Jim Bessen (BU)
Tuesday, July 28
Panel 4 (10.00 – 11.00am)
- Christian Peukert and Imke Reimers, “Digital Disintermediation and Efficiency in the Market for Ideas”
- Nick Economides and Ioannis Lianos, “Restrictions on Privacy and Exploitation in the Digital Economy: A Competition Law Perspective”
- Discussant: Marc Rysman (BU)
- Moderator: Megan MacGarvie (BU)
Panel 5 (11.15am – 12.15pm)
- Hong Luo and Julie Mortimer “Infringing Use as a Path to Legal Consumption”
- Pam Samuelson, John Golden and Mark Gergen, “Recalibrating the Disgorgement Remedy in Intellectual Property Cases”
- Discussant: Mike Meurer (BU)
- Moderator: Stacey Dogan (BU)
Panel 6 (12.45 – 1.45pm)
- Licensing Practitioner Panel
- Wulf Hoeflich (AK Law)
- Bill Krovatin (Merck)
- Dan Lang (Cisco)
- Lisa Schroeder (BASF)
- Moderator: Tim Simcoe (BU)
Previous IP Conference agendas and materials can be found here (2019), here (2018), and here (2017).
Please contact James Kossuth with any questions.