[Imaging Agora] 12/5/16 Alex Lin – “The Virtual Biopsy: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Traumatic Brain Injury”

Alex Lin is our next Imaging Agora speaker this Monday, Dec. 5 @ 4 pm in 110 Cummington Mall, Rm 245.

The Virtual Biopsy: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Traumatic Brain Injury

Abstract: Advances in neuroimaging provide us with greater insight to brain injury than ever before.  Magnetic resonance spectroscopy is a non-invasive method of measuring brain chemistry altered by bran injury using readily available MRI, thus providing a virtual biopsy of concussions.  A review of the technology and current findings from the acute to chronic stages of mild brain injury, including the rising concern of chronic traumatic encephalopathy in sports and military-related repetitive brain trauma, will be discussed.

Bio: Alexander P. Lin, PhD is an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School and director of the Center for Clinical Spectroscopy at Brigham and Women¹s Hospital.  Dr. Lin earned his doctorate in Molecular Biochemistry and Biophysics from the California Institute of Technology.  He has been
involved in magnetic resonance spectroscopy since 1997 both from a research and clinical perspective.  His primary research focus is on sports and military-related brain injury which has been featured by the
media and funded by that National Institutes of Health and Department of Defense.

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