Meredith Cler’s F31 Funded

Meredith Cler’s F31 application entitled “Optimization and prediction for fast and robust AAC” has been selected for funding by the NIH/NIDCD.

Stepp Lab Presents at AQL

Dr. Cara Stepp presented “Automated algorithms for estimation of relative fundamental frequency in individuals with and without voice disorders” at the 2015 Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research Conference in London this week. 

Dr. Stepp Receives NSF CAREER Award

Assistant Professor Cara Stepp (SAR, BME) has received the National Science Foundation’s prestigious Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award in recognition of her outstanding research and teaching capabilities. Read more  

Cara Stepp awarded NIH R03 Grant

Dr. Cara Stepp has been awarded an NIH R03 grant entitled “Automation of Relative Fundamental Frequency Estimation”. This prestigious award will be used to study Relative Fundamental Frequency (RFF), which is an acoustic measure of voice. Previous work has shown that RFF may be useful in diagnosing and assessing vocal hyperfunction (VH), a very common voice disorder […]