SHPE Nationals

History & Mission of SHPE

The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) was founded in Los Angeles, California, in 1974 by a group of engineers employed by the city of Los Angeles. Their objective was to form a national organization of professional engineers to serve as role models in the Hispanic community.

The concept of Networking was the key basis for the organization. SHPE quickly established two student chapters to begin the network that would grow to encompass the nation as well as reach countries outside the United States. Today, SHPE enjoys a strong but independent network of professional and student chapters throughout the nation.


“SHPE changes lives by empowering the Hispanic community to realize its fullest potential and to impact the world through STEM awareness, access, support and development.”


SHPE’s vision is a world where Hispanics are highly valued and influential as the leading innovators, scientists, mathematicians and engineers.


SHPE is built on 5 pillars:

  • Academic Excellence – Provide our members with the tools and strategies to maintain a 3.0+ GPA
  • Professional Development – Provide our members which the skills necessary to excel in the workplace and move up the corporate ladder
  • Community Outreach – Undertake ambitious initiatives to give back to the Hispanic Community and Promote STEM
  • Chapter Development – We hold events to create stronger bonds between our members and increase our presence on campus
  • Leadership Development – Encourage members to take on leadership roles to keep our chapter sustainable in the long term

Why Join SHPE Nationals?

For a small fee ($10), you can become a national professional member of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers.  Some of the benefits of being a national member include:

  • Access to OneSHPE portal.  This provides you with exclusive access to job postings, online renewals, conference registration, and more.
  • Career development and leadership training.  Ability to attend SHPE Conference, National Institute for Leadership Advancement, Regional Leadership Development Conferences, and other conferences.
  • Networking opportunities with corporate representatives, fellow professional members and SHPE leaders.
  • Mentor opportunities through AHETEMS programs (Advancing Hispanic Excellence in Technology, Engineering, Math and Science).
  • SHPE/AHETEMS schoalrship opportunities to continue your education.
  • Eligible to nominate or be nominated for SHPE’s most prestigious national awards.
  • Discounts for National Conference registration and regional/chapter events.
  • Free subscriptions to SHPE and Hispanic Business magazines

Join SHPE Nationals Now!