WHAT IS POETRY FOR — by Sergei Gandlevskii
Arzamas Lectures Series Мир Анны Ахматовой
Arzamas Joseph Brodsky: Greatest Hits
Arzamas Lectures on Russian Poetry by Oleg Lekmanov
Arzamas How to Read Osip Mandelshtam’s Poems
The Cambridge Introduction to Russian Poetry
The Geddes Collection in Russian Poetry and Prose
A History of European Versification by Mikhail Gasparov, Gerald Stanton Smith (Translator), Marina Tarlinskaja (Translator), Leofranc Holford-Strevens (Editor)
A History of Russian Poetry by Evelyn Bristol (Oxford OUP, 1991)
Lekmanov, O. Kliuchi k serebrianomu veku. Rosebud Publishing. 2017
Lekmanov, O. Mandelstam (Studies in Russian and Slavic Literatures, Cultures, and History). Translated by Tatiana Retivov. 2010.
Loseff, L. Joseph Brodsky: A Literary Life. Translated by Jane Ann Miller. 2012.
Russian Poetry for Learners of Russian is a bilingual anthology of Russian poetry in the original, starting with Alexander Pushkin and the poets of the Golden Age of Russian poetry in the nineteenth century, and moving chronologically into the twentieth century ending with the poets of the Silver Age. All the poets selected for the anthology represent the classic canon of Russian poetry, well familiar to any Russian and taught in Russian schools as part of the school curriculum.
Russian Poetry: From the Ends to the Beginnings is a dual language anthology of Russian poetry from its beginnings in the 18th century to the contemporary scene. The anthology includes Russian originals and English translations of 200 poems that broadly represent more than 225 years of Russian poetry.
Russian Poetry is a searchable site of “classics” and “moderns.”
Silver Age is a collection of published poetry of a few Silver Age poets. The site combines original literary texts with biographical and literary studies materials.
Terras, V. A History of Russian Literature. Yale University Press. 1994 is a very comprehensive survey of Russian literary history, comprising articles on authors, genres, literary movements, and literary periodicals. An excellent reference encyclopedia covering all periods of Russian literature, including over 1,000 entries by various distinguished North American and European scholars.
Zholkovsky, A. Novaia i noveishaia russkaia poeziia [Modern and recent Russian poetry]. 2009.
Zholkovsky, A. Poetika Borisa Pasternaka: Invarianty, struktury, interteksty [Pasternak’s poetics: Invariants, structures, intertexts]. Modcow: NLO. 2012
Zholkovsky, A. Russkaia infinitivnaia poeziia XVIII-XX vekov. Kommentirovannaia antologaia [Russian Infinitive Poetry of the 18th-20th centuries. An Annotated Anthology]. St-Petersburg: Akademicheskii proekt.