Biography for Katia Kapovich

Katia Kapovich, originally from Moldova, lives in Cambridge, MA. She is the author of ten Russian poetry collections and of two volumes of English verse, Gogol in Rome (Salt, 2004, shortlisted for England’s 2005 Jerwood Alderburgh Prize) and Cossacks and Bandits (Salt, 2008). Her English language poetry has appeared in the London Review of Books, Poetry, The New Republic, Harvard Review, The Independent, The Common, Jacket, Plume and numerous other periodicals, as well as in several anthologies including Best American Poetry 2007 and Poetry 180 (Random House, ed. Billy Collins). She was the recipient of the 2001 Witter Bynner Fellowship from the U.S. Library of Congress and was poet-in-residence at Amherst College in 2007. She is the recipient of the 2013 Russkaya Premiya (Russian Prize) in the short fiction category. In 2019 she received the (Russian) Hemingway Prize for a short story collection. In 2021 her Selected Poems: The City of the Sky were published in Moscow (Ekso Publishing House, 496 pages, forewarded by Dmitry Bykov, afterword by Bakhyt Kenzheev and Lev Oborin).