Social Networking Resources
Social Networking Resources in BU Profiles
Use Social Media Applications to communicate the findings and implications of medical/scientific research. Don’t wait for your latest paper to be read by your peers, instead tell others about it in your words by using tools that provide a quick and easy way to share your unique knowledge, expertise and perspective with your colleagues and the public.
Social Media Apps (Web 2.0 Applications) available on BU Profiles:
BU Profiles provides three Social Media Apps: Twitter, Slide Share & YouTube. These apps enable you to share your professional output, expertise, ideas, thoughts and perspective with a larger and more diverse audience. Social Media Apps can enhance the speed and efficiency of the scientific translation process and optimize dissemination of new knowledge, expertise and know-how. They make it easier for potential academic or industry collaborators as well as students and trainees to find and contact you after learning about your interests, expertise and contributions to science.
Have a video that describes your program or a special project that you are leading or of a special or prestigious scientific presentation that you’ve given? Registering with and then posting a video on YouTube enables you to tell the scientific and professional community about your unique contributions to science or healthcare. Registering for a YouTube account will then enable viewers of your BU Profile to see the video once it is linked to your BU Profile. You can create the link by simply logging into your BU Profile account and linking to your YouTube account.
Register for a YouTube account.
Understanding the use and value of Twitter can be subtle at first. A way to understand its utility and value it is to consider a scenario in which you become aware of some scientific or healthcare oriented information that you feel is important. Moreover you feel so strongly about it that you want to tell others about it. Twitter is a great way to do just that. After registering for a Twitter account there are two ways to do this.
Register for a Twitter account.
Method 1: Share information you have found on the Internet.
Post a short message on Twitter regarding the important information (e.g. an article on a website) that you want to share with others. Since you found the information on the Internet, simply look for and then click the Twitter icon
associated with the item, after logging in to Twitter you can draft and send a Tweet (an annotated link) of the information you intent to share with your colleagues. Now people following you using Twitter see your Tweet. Once you have linked your Twitter Account to your BU Profile, a running log of all your tweets will be viewable on your BU Profiles. This data feed can then be viewed on your BU Profile by others and enable them to more fully understand what is important to you and how you view the world from your professional perspective.
Method 2: Create the content yourself.
Simply document and reference an important thought or event and/or attaching a photo to accompany the thought and then post it to your Twitter account via your smart phone. For example you could take and share a photo using your smartphone of a speaker giving an interesting presentation along with a very brief statement (140 characters) encapsulating a key point made by the speaker. Just as in Method 1, if your twitter account is linked to your BU Profiles not only will people following you using Twitter see your Tweet but once you have linked your Twitter Account to your BU Profile, a running log of all your tweets will be viewable on your BU Profiles. This data feed can then be viewed on your BU Profile by others. This will enable them to more fully understand what is important to you and how you view the world. Remember that people often post personal items on their Twitter accounts. If you want to keep your personal and professional tweets separate you can easily register for different accounts and post items appropriate for each feed as indicated.
Have a slide set (e.g. PowerPoint) or some other enduring material (photos, documents, etc.) that demonstrates your research interests or expertise? Have a prestigious scientific presentation that you’ve given? Registering with and then posting the documents on SlideShare is a great way to tell the scientific and professional community about your contributions to science and/or healthcare. Once you have a SlideShare account you can easily link it to your BU Profiles Webpage by logging in and linking your SlideShare account to you BU Profile.
Register for a SlideShare account.