UCSB Faculty

UCSB The Gevirtz School

The Gevirtz School’s research and outreach mission is coordinated through four research and outreach centers and institutes. The 43 faculty in the Departments of Education and Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology have 49 maintained a distinguished array of high-quality research programs and the department. The faculty have active research projects in schools, community organizations, and other venues and collaborations across the nation. Both the school psychology and the special education programs are well established and nationally recognized for the preparation of doctoral students. The faculty are highly productive with extensive publications, presentations, leadership, and grant activities.

Shane Jimerson

Dr. Shane Jimerson is a Full Professor of School Psychology. Dr. Jimerson’s scholarship, featured in over 400 publications, focuses on promoting social, emotional, behavioral, and mental health development of children at school. He has particular expertise in implementing and examining MTSS, social-emotional learning, student engagement, and bullying prevention/intervention, and identifying, assessing, and treating developmental psychopathology at school. He has managed or collaborated on funded projects totaling >$10 million, including State, Federal, and Foundation funded projects). He has served as Editor of three journals and President of three school psychology organizations (APAD16, ISPA, SSSP).

Mian Wang

Dr. Mian Wang is a Full Professor of Special Education and Chair of the Education Department. Dr. Wang is the founding director of the Pacific Rim Center for Research 42 on Special Education and Disability and former director of the McEnroe Reading Clinic. He has published >80 journal articles and chapters and two books related to early childhood inclusive education, family quality of life, positive behavior support, and teacher education for inclusion. He has won numerous awards and honors for his research including the 2009 AAIDD Early Career Award.

Erin Dowdy

Dr. Erin Dowdy is Full Professor of School Psychology with expertise in mental health assessment in schools. She particularly focuses on equitable universal screening practices for mental health. A licensed psychologist and nationally certified school psychologist, she has expertise in teaching and supervising students’ practicum experiences in schools. Dr. Dowdy has a record of success securing funding and disseminating research in peer-reviewed journals and at professional conferences.

Jill Sharkey

Dr. Jill Sharkey is a Full Professor of School Psychology and Associate Dean for Research. She conducts community-based research to understand optimal ways systems can support youth with learning and behavioral challenges.


Matthew Quirk

Dr. Matthew Quirk is a Full Professor of School Psychology and his scholarship primarily focuses on school readiness, early literacy and language development for multilingual learners, and quantitative methodology.


Miriam Thompson

Dr. Miriam Thompson is Assistant Professor of School Psychology and Director of the Mind and Behavioral Assessment Clinic. Her teaching interests include culturally responsive assessment administration, and her research interests focus on recruitment and retention of junior faculty of color in school psychology training programs.


Jon Goodwin

Dr. Jon Goodwin is Assistant Professor of School Psychology. His interests include assessment of learning differences, identification of high-ability students for academic acceleration, and advocacy for underrepresented gifted and talented students.


Rachel Lambert

Dr. Rachel Lambert is Assistant Professor of Special Education. Dr. Lambert researches identity development of culturally and linguistically diverse students with disabilities, including the role of emotion in academic learning.


Andrew Fedders

Dr. Andrew Fedders is Professor of Special Education and Director of the Teacher Education Program. Dr. Fedders researches teacher education and special education, as well as instructional supports for beginning teachers.


Amber Moran

Dr. Amber Moran is Assistant Professor of Special Education and Coordinator of the Mild/ Moderate Special Education Program. Dr. Moran conducts research aiming to develop interdisciplinary collaborative practices between general and special educators and understanding how to best support students with disabilities in inclusive settings.


Ty Vernon

Dr. Ty Vernon is Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology, an affiliated faculty of the Special Education program and Director of the UCSB Koegel Autism Center. His primary research interests focus on development and evaluation of strength-based socialization interventions for individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and related intellectual/developmental disabilities (IDD).


Arlene Ortiz

Dr. Arlene Ortiz is an Assistant Teaching Professor of School Psychology in the Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology. Her primary research interests are related to assessment, early intervention, and outcomes for culturally and linguistically diverse students. 


Antoniya Terzieva – Project Manager

Antoniya Terzieva is an Associate Research Specialist in the Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology at UC Santa Barbara. She works on several research and program evaluation projects, including Project TEAMS, Project JEDI, and First 5 Santa Barbara County. Antoniya received her B.A. in Psychology from Colgate University in May 2010. She also has a minor in Sociology and Anthropology. Her research interests include school-based mental health services, child development, school readiness, family strengthening, and post-disaster recovery and mental health. She has published peer-reviewed journal articles on the impact of disasters/mass violence events, disaster mental health, and students’ literacy and reading achievement.