First Base: Goal


  1. First Base: Goal Introduction
  2. First Base: Goal Game Plan Worksheet

First Base of the Game Plan is called First Base: Goal. Our goal in Project TEAM is the activity we want to begin doing or get better at doing. To figure out your goal, First Base: Goal asks the question, “What activity would I like to do?”

First Base: Goal asks the question, "What activity would I like to do?"

We are going to always ask that question when we start our game plan. Each base of the Game Plan has a hand motion to help us remember what it means. When we ask “What activity would I like to do?,” we make this motion which represents asking a question.

First Base: Goal Hand Motion

Another way to remember that First Base of the Game Plan is Goal, is by remembering the symbol. This symbol for First Base: Goal is a bulls-eye. Every time we talk about our goals in this training, you will see the bulls-eye symbol.

The symbol for First Base: Goal is a bulls-eye

Now it’s time to ask yourself the First Base: Goal question: What activity would I like to do? Your answer to this question will be your activity goal that you will work towards during the Project TEAM training. Setting a goal can help us stay on track and remember what we want to do. Hopefully, by the end of the training, you will reach your goal and be able to do this activity.

Some examples of goals that trainees have chosen are:

  • Go out to eat with a friend and without my parents
  • Become a volunteer at at child care center
  • Travel to a nearby city and attend a rock concert

What activity would I like to do?

Download and print out the First Base: Goal Game Plan Worksheet. On this worksheet, you can draw a picture, create a cartoon, or write a story about your activity goal in the box.

Ready to learn more?

Go on to the next part of the Game Plan:

Second Base: Plan Step 1 Second Base: Plan Step 1