
This glossary can help you learn and understand some of the words we use in the Project TEAM training. The words are listed below in alphabetical order.

Advocate: to speak up about your wants or needs.

In Project TEAM, you may need advocate for yourself to get special permission to use a strategy or to get help thinking of a strategy to use or putting a strategy into action.

You can learn more about advocating in Third Base: Do of the Game Plan.

Barrier: a part of the environment that makes it hard to do an activity in the way that you want to do it.

In Project TEAM, it’s important to identify which parts of the environment are barriers to your activity or goal, so that you can think about strategies to change that part of the environment.

You can learn more about barriers in Second Base: Plan Step 2 of the Game Plan.

Consequence: something that might happen because of your actions

In Project TEAM, it’s important to think about consequences before you decide to use a strategy, because changing the environment might change the activity for other people.

You can learn more about consequences in Second Base: Plan Step 3 of the Game Plan.

Discrimination: when people treat other people unfairly because they are different. For example, because you have a disability, IEP, or chronic health condition.

In Project TEAM, it’s important to learn about discrimination so that we can learn about our rights and the Disability Rights Laws that protect them.

You can learn more about discrimination in Third Base: Do of the Game Plan.

Environment: the people, places, and things all around you

In Project TEAM, we learn about 11 parts of the environment to help you think about all of the things involved in your activity or goal.

You can learn more about the environment and the 11 parts of the environment in Second Base: Plan Step 1 of the Game Plan.

Right: a protection to let us do something we want to do.

In Project TEAM, we learn about the Disability Rights Laws that give young people with disabilities the right to be included and to ask for changes in their environment.

You can learn more about rights in Third Base: Do of the Game Plan.

Strategy: a was to change a part of the environment that is making it hard to do an activity, or a way to help remove a barrier or work around a barrier

In Project TEAM, we learn about six strategy categories that can help you think of ways to change your environment and make it easier to do an activity.

You can learn more about strategies and the six strategy categories in Second Base: Plan Step 2 of the Game Plan.