Katie Baulier

Katie Baulier – khale@bu.edu

Katie Baulier is a doctoral student at Boston University, pursuing a Ph.D. in Educational Studies with a concentration in special education and a member of the Project LINC cohort. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Human Development from Connecticut College and a master’s degree in Special Education (students with severe disabilities) at Boston University. Prior to pursuing her Ph.D., Katherine taught elementary-aged students with multiple disabilities in Brookline, Massachusetts and preschool-aged students with autism in Boston, Massachusetts. Katie is passionate about advocating for meaningful inclusion for students with extensive support needs in the general education classroom. Her research focuses on preservice and in-service general education teachers’ perceptions of students with disabilities and the use of inclusive practices for all students, particularly overrepresented populations of color in special education.



Rossetti, Z., Lehr, D., Shaheen, T., Baulier, K., Burnette, K., & Taub, D. (2023). Parent perceptions of remote instruction for students with extensive support needs. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 48(1), 41-58. https://doi-org.ezproxy.bu.edu/10.1177/15407969231154166

Carroll, M., Baulier, K., Cooper, C., Bettini, E., & Green, J. G. (2023). US Middle and High School Teacher Attributions of Externalizing Student Behavior. Behavioral Disorders, 48(4), 243-254. 01987429231160705