Become A Mentee

Learn the secret survival techniques of the physics department from someone who’s been there! As a mentee, you get an upperclassman physics student mentor as a confidant(e) and buddy, there to answer all your questions and to share their experiences as a physics major.

Hey there!
I am so excited to have you join our program! Below are a few questions to help me get to know you a little better. Your answers are just for me to try and match you with a mentor. They will not be shared or used elsewhere so give as much detail as you are comfortable with. If you haven’t already, check the Meet Our Mentors page to learn a little bit about our awesome group of mentors for the year. If there is one mentor in particular you think would be a good match, you can let me know in this form. No guarantees but I will do my best to make it happen! If you have any other questions or concerns, you can contact me at

I hope to meet you soon!

Mentee Questionnaire 2024-2025
