

For new freshmen, a college campus can seem overwhelming. As current undergraduates, we know that it can be incredibly useful to have a fellow student available to help guide you through the first year and all the tough decisions involved. In 2014, there was no undergraduate guidance structure for physics students at Boston University, so Molly Herman (CAS ’16) and Emily Ghosh (CAS ’16) created the PRISM program. The concept was and continues to be centered around providing new students with role models and friends who have already gone through that first year and, as a result, can provide advice and direction to freshmen to make the best decisions.


Goals of the program

  • Construct a support network within the undergraduate physics community while providing mentees with role models
  • Ease the transition from high school to college by helping mentees put into practice information about research, opportunities, and classes
  • Increase the number of undergraduates that graduate as physics majors


How it works

Upperclassman physics majors are paired with three to five new physics undergraduates to help assist them through the first year of life at BU and in BU’s Physics Department. Each pair (one mentee, one mentor) meets four times per semester where they discuss their mentee’s questions and suggested topics. Different group events are also hosted throughout the year to get the freshman comfortable with BU and involved in the physics community!


Contact Us

For more information, contact the program director, Bobby, at prism14@bu.edu!