FAQ: Not Yet Enrolled

How many participants have enrolled in PRESTO?
– As of December 1, 2024, 21,850 primary participants and 5,150 of their partners have enrolled in PRESTO.
What are primary participants asked to do?
– One online “baseline” questionnaire at enrollment (45-60 minutes).
– One online follow-up questionnaire every 2 months for up to 12 months or until you get pregnant (10-15 minutes).
– If you become pregnant, one survey in early pregnancy, one survey in late pregnancy, and one survey at 6 months postpartum (10-15 minutes each).
– One dietary questionnaire 10 days after initial enrollment (30-40 minutes).
We also have optional supplemental questionnaires that are not required for participation, but will further support our research:
– One online questionnaire on social support, stress, trauma, financial hardship, and coping skills across the life course (10 minutes).
– One online questionnaire on sexual health and well-being (10 minutes).
– One online questionnaire about your perceptions of the environment where you live (10 minutes).
How do I know if I am eligible to participate in PRESTO?
The eligibility requirements for primary participants are as follows:
– Age 21-45
– Resident of U.S. or Canada
– Assigned female sex at birth or have an intact uterus
– Not currently using any methods to prevent pregnancy
– Not using fertility treatment
– Having regular intercourse with one partner
– Thinking about becoming pregnant within the next 6 months
– Willing to participate in a 12-month study
I already have children. Am I eligible to participate?
Yes, individuals with children are welcome to participate.
I have already been trying to get pregnant for a few months. Am I still eligible to participate?
Yes, individuals who have been trying for a few months are still welcome to participate.
What if I’m not thinking about getting pregnant now, but will be thinking of getting pregnant within the next 6-12 months?
Please send us an email at
bupresto@bu.edu and we will contact you in the future to enroll.
What if I am currently pregnant?
If you are currently pregnant, you are not eligible for PRESTO.
What if I don’t know whether I am currently pregnant?
If you are unsure about whether you are pregnant, you may enroll in PRESTO.
What if I am currently using fertility treatments?
If you are currently using fertility treatments, you are not eligible for PRESTO. While it would be interesting to study predictors of successful pregnancy among couples using fertility treatment, PRESTO was not designed to explore this research question. If you used fertility treatment to conceive a previous pregnancy, but are not using fertility treatment for your current pregnancy attempt, you are eligible to enroll in PRESTO.
Why should I participate in the study?
You will be a part of an innovative web-based study of couples’ reproductive health in North America. Your information, together with that provided by thousands of other participants, will help us better understand which lifestyle factors influence optimal fertility and pregnancy outcomes.
What types of questions will be asked on the baseline questionnaire?
The baseline questionnaire will ask questions about demographics, lifestyle factors, contraceptive history, reproductive history, medical history, medication use, physical activity, body size, prenatal exposures, occupational exposures, and more.
What are the benefits of participating in the study?
Although you will receive no direct benefit from participating in PRESTO, your participation might lead to a better understanding of factors promoting healthy reproduction. PRESTO may also identify factors associated with miscarriage, preterm birth, and low birth weight that could lead to the prevention of these conditions. Thus, your participation could help future couples have healthier pregnancies. In addition, all participants will receive a free premium subscription to Kindara.com, a web-based application that allows its users to record their menstrual cycles and fertility signs. (Note: current or past members of Kindara.com are
not eligible for this promotion.) A subset of U.S. participants will also be offered free home pregnancy tests. Finally, participants who provide biospecimens are compensated based on which samples they give (e.g., at least $40 for blood, $20 for urine, $10 vaginal swab, and $20 semen).
Those who complete the dietary questionnaire will receive a brief summary about their dietary intake (e.g., % calories from fat, protein and carbohydrates; calcium and iron intake) as a token of our appreciation for filling out the survey. Those who complete the dietary questionnaire will also be entered into a lottery to win a $100 gift card to the grocery store of their choice (1 out of every 500 participants will be randomly selected to win)
In addition, enrolled primary participants whose partners complete a brief (15-20 minute) questionnaire will be entered into a lottery to win a free $400 Visa Gift Card, or an Apple iPad mini, Apple iPad, Apple Watch, or Beats Headphone set not exceeding $400 in value.
Finally, primary participants who complete all of the required follow-up questionnaires will be entered into a lottery to win a $200 gift card (1 out of every 500 primary participants will be randomly selected to win).
As study results become available, we will post them to the study — see “Publications” page.
What are the risks of participating in the study?
There is a very small risk of breach of confidentiality; however, all possible safeguards will be used to keep your data confidential using the most up-to-date technology. The Boston University Medical Campus Institutional Review Board (IRB) reviews all PRESTO protocols and requires that we report any breaches in confidentiality to them. To date, there have been no breaches in confidentiality.
How do I know my personal information will remain secure and confidential?
The data that you provide online will be encrypted (a process of coding data to make it unreadable by outside parties) to eliminate the possibility that an outsider can gain access to the information. Your data will be identified by number only and will be stored in computer files protected by a series of passwords known only to staff working on PRESTO. Analyses will be conducted using coded data without any names or other personal identifiers.
Will I be paid to participate in PRESTO?
While PRESTO does not offer any compensation for completing its online questionnaires, participants are paid for providing biospecimens (e.g., urine, blood, vaginal swabs). For example, participants who provide urine and blood via mail are paid $60 ($70 if provided in-clinic). Participants who perform at-home semen testing are paid $20. In addition, all participants will receive a free premium subscription to Kindara.com, a web-based application that allows its users to record their menstrual cycles and fertility signs (promotion is available to new members only). A subset of U.S. participants will be offered free home pregnancy tests. In addition, those who complete the dietary questionnaire will receive a brief summary about their dietary intake (e.g., % calories from fat, protein and carbohydrates; calcium and iron intake) as a token of our appreciation for filling out the survey. Those who complete the dietary questionnaire will also be entered into a lottery to win a $100 gift card to the grocery store of their choice (1 out of every 500 participants will be randomly selected to win). In addition, enrolled primary participants whose partners complete a brief (15-20 minute) questionnaire will be entered into a lottery to win a free $400 Visa Gift Card, or an Apple iPad mini, Apple iPad, Apple Watch, or Beats Headphone set not exceeding $400 in value. Finally, if the primary participant completes all of the required follow-up questionnaires, they will be entered into a lottery to win a $200 gift card (1 out of every 500 primary participants will be randomly selected to win).
What if I am currently a Kindara.com member?
If you are already a Kindara.com member (former or current), you are not eligible to receive the premium membership. However, you will be eligible for other incentives that we offer for participation (e.g., $100 grocery store gift card, $200 gift card for completing follow-up, option between a free $400 Visa Gift Card, iPad mini, Apple iPad, Apple Watch, or Beats Headphone, etc.)!
How can my partner sign up to participate?
After you complete your baseline questionnaire, you will have the opportunity to invite your partner to participate by email. If your partner successfully completes a brief (15-20 minutes) baseline questionnaire, both of you will be entered into a lottery to win a free $400 Visa Gift Card, or an Apple iPad mini, Apple iPad, Apple Watch, or Beats Headphone set not exceeding $400 in value. Note: we will not share any of your personal health information with your partner (and vice versa).
Can I still participate in PRESTO even if my partner does not want to participate?
Yes. While it would be beneficial to our research if both you and your partner participate, we strongly encourage your individual participation.
Can I fill out PRESTO questionnaires using my Smart Phone?
While it is possible to complete your eligibility screener using your Smart Phone, the baseline and follow-up questionnaires are harder to complete using a Smart Phone because of their length. Thus, it would be easiest to complete the longer surveys using a desktop or laptop computer or a tablet.
What if I want to participate in the study, but I don't have regular access to the Internet or a computer?
Please contact your local public library to access to a computer with an Internet connection. For example, MA residents can visit any of the libraries on this list for an Internet-accessible computer:
MA Public Libraries
If you are unable to complete the questionnaires online, please contact us at bupresto@bu.edu or 617-358-3424, and we will be happy to assist you.
To enroll in PRESTO, please click here.