Cafes and Communities
- Precarity Lab Slack Channel! Join us on Slack to Connect!
- Check out monthly meetings at Ethnographic Cafe
- Interested in Ethnography in and of Organizations? See Ethnography Atelier
- Wanna meet and chat with the authors of recently published articles? Check out SER-Cafe
BU Resources and More
- BU Center for Innovation in Social Sciences
- BU Urban Inequality Workshop
- Open courses on Qualitative Methods by Susan Silbey (MIT): Interview Process & Data Coding and Analysis
Select Courses
- BU Sociology / Understanding Meritocracy with Jonathan Mijs
- BU Sociology / Sociology of Law with Heather Schoenfeld
- BU Sociology / Ethnic, Race, and Minority Relations with Saida Grundy
- BU Questrom / Design of Field Methods with Siobhan O’Mahony
- BU Questrom / The Craft of Theorizing Research with Michel Anteby
- BU Questrom / Macro Organizational Theory with Leroy Gonsalves
- BU Sociology / Qualitative Methods with Japonica Brown-Saracino
- BU Sociology / Economic Sociology Seminar with Alya Guseva
- BU Sociology / Graduate Seminar in Academic Writing with Alya Guseva
- BU Wheelock / Culture, Capital, and Classrooms with Anthony Abraham Jack