Drafts and Preprints

Journal Articles

Book Chapters

  • J. Wu, J. Chen, P. Ishwar, and J. Konrad, “Two-Stream CNNs for Gesture-Based Verification and Identification: Learning User Style,” in Deep Learning for Biometrics (B. Bhanu and A. Kumar, eds.), ch. 7, pp. 159-182, Springer, 2017.
  • Y. Wang, N. Ma, M. Zhao, P. Ishwar, and V. Saligrama, “Distributed field estimation with one-bit sensors,” in Networked Sensing Information and Control (V. Saligrama, ed.), pp. 137-158, Springer, New York, NY, 2008.
  • A. Kumar, P. Ishwar, and K. Ramchandran, “On distributed sampling of smooth non-bandlimited fields,” in IPSN 2004: Third International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, April 26-27, 2004, Berkeley, CA, pp. 89-98, ACM Press, 2004.
  • P. Ishwar, A. Kumar, and K. Ramchandran, “Distributed sampling for dense senor networks: a “bit-conservation principle”,” in Information Processing in Sensor Networks: Second International Workshop, IPSN 2003, Palo Alto, CA, April 22-23, 2003, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) (L. J. Guibas and F. Zhao, eds.),  pp. 17-31, Springer, New York, NY 2003.
  • P. Ishwar, R. Puri, S. S. Pradhan, and K. Ramchandran, “On rate-constrained estimation in unreliable sensor networks,” in Information Processing in Sensor Networks: Second International Workshop, IPSN 2003, Palo Alto, CA, April 22-23, 2003, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) (L. J. Guibas and F. Zhao, eds.),  pp. 178-192, Springer, New York, NY 2003.
  • P. Ishwar and P. Moulin, “Image modeling and restoration – information fusion, set-theoretic methods, and the maximum entropy principle,” in Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering: 20th International Workshop, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 8-13 July 2000 (Ali Mohammad-Djafari, ed.), pp. 204-215, American Institute of Physics, 2001.

Conference Articles


  • P. Ishwar, A unified framework for image modeling and estimation using measurement constraints, PhD  thesis, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, June 2002. (Supervisor: Prof. Pierre Moulin).
  • P. Ishwar, On spatial adaptation of smoothness of motion and intensity fields in video coding, MS thesis, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, December 1998. (Supervisor: Prof. Pierre Moulin).
  • P. Ishwar, Role of multiresolution principles in system identification and adaptive networks, BTech thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India, April 1996. (Supervisor: Prof. Vikram Gadre).


  • J. Konrad, P. Ishwar, T. Little, and M. Gevelber, “Fusion-based occupancy sensing for building systems,” US Patent 11193688, Dec. 7, 2021.
  • Y. Wang, P. Ishwar, and A. S. Tripathy, “Data-Driven Privacy-Preserving Communication,” US Patent 11132453, Sep. 28, 2021.
  • Y. Wang, N. J. Raval, and P. Ishwar, “Method and systems using privacy-preserving analytics for aggregate data,” US Patent 10452865, Oct. 22, 2019.
  • S. Rane, Y. Wang, W. Sun, and P. Ishwar, “Secure multi-party computation of normalized sum-type functions,” US Patent 8473537, Jun. 25, 2013.