Sam Gammons (They/Them/Theirs)

Graduate Student Affairs Administrator, Pardee School of Global Studies

  • Gender Identity: Non-binary
  • Transgender
  • Sexual Orientation: Demisexual
  • Romantic Orientation: Biromantic
  • Race, Ethnicity, and/or Nationality: White
  • Languages: Mandarin
  • Hometown: Connecticut
  • Religion: Baha’i

Hi, I’m Sam! I’m in student services at the Pardee School of Global Studies and love helping students meet their academic and professional goals. I do not use an honorific in front of my name, but prefer every just call me Sam– students, faculty, staff, and everyone in between. I am a trans non-binary person who uses primarily they/them pronouns, but I self-identify as pangender and am comfortable being referred to using any pronouns. I have some background in antiracism conversations, and do my best to create culturally sensitive and intersectional conversations about LGBTQIA+ issues through a global lens.

Contact Sam for academic support, research support, career support, student life, coming out, mentoring, and general networking.
