Caroline McQuade (She/Her/Hers)

Operations Associate, School of Public Health

  • Gender Identity: Woman
  • Sexual Orientation: Queer, Lesbian
  • Race, Ethnicity, and/or Nationality: White
  • Hometown: Boston, MA

Hello! My name is Caroline, and I work in operations in the Activist Lab at the school of Public Health. I am also working towards an MPH in Community Assessment, Program Design Implementation, and Evaluation. My passion lies in queer-inclusive sex education, with a focus on people with physical, intellectual, and developmental disabilities.

In my free time I enjoy exploring nature, doing puzzles, and baking unnecessarily fancy desserts. I am happy to talk about balancing being a young, queer, femme-presenting person in professional settings, or any other questions you have!

Contact Caroline for career support, student life, coming out, mentoring, and general networking.

BU Profile
