Carly Schanock (She/Her/Hers)

Education and Information Services Librarian

  • Gender Identity: woman
  • Sexual Orientation: graysexual
  • Romantic Orientation: biromantic
  • Race, Ethnicity, and/or Nationality: Caucasian
  • Hometown: Green Bay, Wisconsin

I’m a pretty typical librarian who loves to read and learn new things. I also have an interest in educational technology and learning new software. Originally from Wisconsin, I’ve lived in Chicago, Philadelphia, Vermillion (South Dakota), and now Boston! I would love the opportunity to meet other LGBTQA+ staff and faculty members at BU.

I know what it’s like to identify with what feels like an invisible sexuality and I also know what it is like to not have your coming out completely accepted by your family (eventually they came around!), So, if you ever need to talk about being on the ace spectrum or coming out (in general) as well, I’d love for you to connect with me in whatever way you feel comfortable (whether it be coffee, email, or zoom).

Contact Carly for research support, coming out, mentoring, and general networking.

