Bridget Carney (She/Her/Hers)

Dean’s Project Manager and Executive Assistant, School of Law

  • Gender Identity: cis woman
  • Sexual Orientation: Queer

Hi, my name is Bridget Carney. I’m a first-generation professional navigating (and often stumbling) through the world of careers. My husband is a trans man and we have the perfect pit bull, Coach.

Professionally, I am the Dean’s Project Manager and Executive Assistant at BU Law. I’ve previously served as a Senior Program Coordinator for the BU/MIT Entrepreneurship, Intellectual Property, and Cyberlaw Program and in the Faculty Services Department in the Law School. I joined BU with a background in project and relationship management, event planning, and corporate and community engagement through roles with the Urban Land Institute and MENTOR. I’ve had a nontraditional career path with some pivots and some restarts, which I’m always happy to discuss.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out!

Contact Bridget for academic support, career support, student life, mentoring, and general networking.