Dr. Amod/Sandhya Lele (He/Him/His or She/Her/Hers)

Acting Manager, Digital Learning & Innovation

  • BU Alum: MET, 2016
  • Gender Identity: gender-fluid
  • Sexual Orientation: bisexual
  • Race, Ethnicity, and/or Nationality: mixed Indian (Marathi), Scottish, English
  • Languages: French
  • Hometown: Kingston, Ontario, Canada
  • Religion: Buddhist

I’ve worked full-time at BU since 2011. I manage a team of educational technologists: we help your professors use technology tools to teach your classes more effectively. Educational technology is a fairly new field – it didn’t exist when I was an undergrad – and I’m happy to talk to you about careers in the area. I studied Buddhist philosophy and I write about cross-cultural philosophy on my blog: http://loveofallwisdom.com/

I am gender-fluid, bisexual, racially mixed, a Canada-US dual citizen, and a Buddhist who celebrates Christmas. If you find yourself uncomfortable checking one box on a list to describe your identity, we have something in common and I’d be happy to talk. (FYI, I’m nearly always male-presenting when on campus.)

Contact Dr. Lele for research support, career support, coming out, mentoring, and general networking.

BU Profile

