Tag: workforce
Need an estimate of how short the US is in its governmental public health workforce? The DeBeaumont Foundation and the Public Health National Center for Innovations have produced an October 7, 2021 report for you! The number is 80,000. That is, the report estimates at 80,000 more FTEs are needed in health departments to meet […]
NEPHTC thanks our colleagues at Region 2 Public Health Training Center for funding a resource that is timely and helpful for workforce development coordinators across the field of Public Health. NEPHTC and Region 2 PHTC are part of the Public Health Learning Network (PHLN), , a consortium of regional Public Health Training Centers, the country’s […]
NEPHTC is pleased to announce that Persuasive Messaging for Public Health (also known as “Creating Your Marketing Pitch”) has now been officially launched in all modalities! For the past two years, marketing expert Michele Levy, founder of ML Brand Strategy Consulting, has been training public health audiences for NEPHTC in the classroom and via webinar. […]
NEPHTC is pleased to announce that it will be featured at the annual NNPHI meeting in Washington, D.C. in two poster sessions. Both posters feature work that originated in a public health workforce need that was made into reality by the collaboration by NEPHTC and it’s impressive state partnerships. If you have the chance, learn […]
What is coaching, and why is it an important learning tool for public health? The public health workforce does not have time for theory, and wants practical application. Coaching is a way to get to the practical application of learning that is often missing from self-paced and classroom learning alone. […]
See the highlights of a joint NEPHTC (Public Health) Advisory Committee, SHIELD (School Health) Advisory Committee meeting in which met with community partners to learn and consider “How Do We Train for Health Equity?” Leading the training was Jacques Colon, Health Equity Coordinator of the Tacoma-Pierce Health Department in Washington. Jacques provides an overview of […]
NEPHTC is pleased to announce that the CDC Learning Connection will be featuring our “Introduction to Systems Thinking” course on their homepage for the month of March 2019. The course will be sent to more than 175,000 subscribers to the CDC monthly e-newsletter (primarily public health professionals and healthcare workers) and will be shared with […]
Systems Thinking is one of the cross-cutting skills essential to the current and future public health workforce. On April 11, 2018, Julia Ross of Ross & Company, will facilitate a one day live training for managers at the Vermont Department of Public Health in Burlington, VT. “The fast pace of organizational life presses for short […]
It is with great pleasure that NEPHTC announces the publication of this article: “Building Professionalism Through Management Training: New England Public Health Training Center’s Low-Cost, High-Impact Model.” This article gives demonstration of impact at Level 1 (satisfaction) and 2 (knowledge gain), as well as describing the pilot evaluation of Level 3 (behavior change) impact. Since […]