Our Impact

CDC Highlights NEPHTC’s Storytelling Course

Re posted from BUSPH News May 1, 2020 Through its ability to draw emotion, connection, and comprehension, storytelling has become an increasingly valuable tool for public health practitioners to use when communicating complex or critical health information to the public—and it... More

Self-Paced Training: Introduction to Systems Thinking

About this course This self-study course introduces learners to the fundamental tools of Systems Thinking. Systems thinking provides a framework for identifying and addressing the underlying causes of complex problems. This approach minimizes responding to problem symptoms and the associated unintended consequences... More

Great Training Performance Numbers (and a Correction)

With the help and good attitude of the whole team, New England Public Health Training Center just finished its annual data gathering, cleaning and inputting process, to happy results! Our training instances continued their upward trend, reaching 29,038.  As we reflect... More