PHTCs’ Nimble Response in Puerto Rico at NACCHO Preparedness Summit
PHTC PR Maria PH Campaign (90cm x 150cm)_v2_ for poster which will be featured at NACCHO’s Preparedness Summit in Atlanta,
NEPHTC’s Program Manager /Training Specialist Karla Todd and Region 2 PHTC’s Heidi Parrilla López de Victoria, PhD , Impactivo’s Senior Associate / Project Coordinator will be sharing the nimble response to public health crisis in Puerto Rico in the months following Maria.
In the immediate aftermath when access to online resources was limited and the health department facilities were damaged, The PHTC expert network gathered content, accessed pro-bono Spanish translation and instructional design. Local Puerto Rico partner Impactivo, LLC, put together broad network of media outlets, healthcare, for-profits, foundations and volunteers to distribute information. A summary of the Public Health Campaign, Saludame Saludable, can be found on Impactivo’s website.
Relative to centralized funding approaches, a strong SME Network with Local Partner can generate quick outcomes in a cost-effective manner.