
National Cancer Institute (NCI) Workshop Opportunity!

June 4th, 2018in News

The National Cancer Institute (NCI), in collaboration with Cancer Research U.K. (CRUK), will host a “Sandpit” workshop (i.e., ideas lab) on October 28-31, 2018, in Potomac, Maryland. WORKSHOP BACKGROUND This intensive residential workshop will bring together a broad, multidisciplinary group of participants to generate new insights on the contextual factors (e.g., social, More

Nutrition Obesity Research Club Inaugural Meeting

May 31st, 2018in News

SAVE THE DATE! One Saturday, October 27th, 2018, the Nutrition Obesity Research Club (NORC) will be holding its inaugural meeting  at the Boston University Photonics Center in the Colloquium Room, which is located at St. Mary's Street in Boston, MA. The event is from 6-8pm and is supported by the BNORC, More

Mobile and Electronic Health ARC’s June Seminar

May 3rd, 2018in News, Seminar Archive

Dr. Belinda Borrelli, Director and PI for the Mobile and Electronic Health ARC, Director for the Center of Behavioral Science Research, and professor in the Department of Health Policy and Health Services Research,  will be discussing reaching smokers who are not motivated to quit with a mobile app. While the Mobile... More

BUMC Guest Speaker Talk

April 25th, 2018in News

“The growth of software in medical technology: Implications for firms and regulators” Presenter: Dr. Ariel Stern   On Tuesday, May 1st, 2018, Dr. Ariel D. Stern, from Harvard Business School, will be giving a talk on the Boston University Medical Campus in the Talbot building at 1PM. The presentation will be held in the... More

Johnson and Johnson Labs: Mobile Wellness Challenge

April 18th, 2018in News

Mobile health technology has had a tremendous impact on patient care by providing new opportunities and ways for patients to take control of their health.  Johnson and Johnson Labs (JLabs) has created the Mobile Wellness Management Challenge, the first Health Technology Innovator QuickFire Challenge series. JLabs is looking to reward one... More