The ME-ARC fosters learning and collaboration throughout the year by hosting monthly seminars and annual symposia. Leaders in mobile technology, health informatics, digital behavioral interventions, and similar fields participate in these enriching events.
Upcoming Seminar
Each month, the ME-ARC invites speakers on topics pertinent to mobile and electronic health. All seminars are virtual.
4/30/25: Digital Mental Health Innovations: From Research to Real World Applications
Presenter: John Torous, MD, MBI, Director, Division of Digital Psychiatry, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Staff Psychiatrist, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Associate Professor, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Navigate to our seminars page to see details about upcoming and past events!
Past Seminars
1/29/25: Reluctance to Use Medical Artificial Intelligence
Presenter: Carey Morewedge, PhD, Professor of Marketing, Everett W. Lord Distinguished Faculty Scholar, and Chair of the Marketing Department at Boston University’s Questrom School of Business
Presenter: Tyler Wray, PhD, Associate Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences at the Brown University School of Public Health (SPH)
Lightning Talks November 2024
Our symposia are held annually. The Mobile and Electronic Health ARC’s 1st Lightning Talks Event entitled, “Innovations in Digital Health Interventions” was held on Wednesday, November 20th from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM.
This event featured speakers from across BU to present their recent digital health research and fostered collaboration among faculty members with similar interests.