Ecological Sensing with Video
The MCL collaborates with the Consortium for Ocean Sensing In the Nearshore Environment (COSINE) at UMass Boston through the MIT Sea Grant program and through the UMass Costal Environmental Sensing Networks (CESN) In this collaboration we bring together university researchers, Massachusetts business and industry leaders, and state and federal decision-makers to provide an integrated framework for applying environmental sensor networks to significant issues in nearshore coastal areas. COSINE is focusing on applying smart sensor networks to monitoring and predicting bacterial water quality, coastal inundation, and episodic events, by using recent advances in sensor development, web cameras, coastal modeling. COSINE is applying stationary and mobile sensor platforms to observe complex interactions in coastal systems including “hotspots and hot moments”; to develop discrete and agent-based models to rapidly analyze and visualize complex and non-continuous data streams; and to support environmental decision-making processes.