
Chapter 58, An Act Promoting Access to Health Care

1.  Procedural History and Bill Versions

2. Committee Documents

3. Floor Documents and Conference Committee Documents

4. Executive Action Documents

5. Press Reports (links only)  

Chapter 434: An Act Relative to Penalties for Animal Fighting

1.  Procedural History and Bill Versions

2. Committee Documents

3. Floor Documents and Conference Committee Documents

4. Executive Action Documents

5. Press Reports (links only)  

Chapter 169, An Act Relative to Green Communities

1.  Procedural History and Bill Versions

2. Committee Documents

3. Floor Documents and Conference Committee Documents

4. Executive Action Documents

5. Press Reports (links only)  

Chapter 105, An Act Further Regulating the Placement of Certain Children

An Act Further Regulating the Placement of Certain Children Memorandum

1.  Procedural History and Bill Versions

2. Committee Documents

3. Floor Documents and Conference Committee Documents

4. Executive Action Documents

5. Press Reports (links only)  

Chapter 120, An Act Relative to Certain Written Majority Authorization Evidence of Collective Bargaining Results

1.  Procedural History and Bill Versions

2. Committee Documents

3. Floor Documents and Conference Committee Documents

4. Executive Action Documents

5. Press Reports (links only)  

Chapter 183, An Act Relative to Volunteers at State Parks

1.  Procedural History and Bill Versions

2. Committee Documents

3. Floor Documents and Conference Committee Documents

4. Executive Action Documents

5. Press Reports (links only)  

6. Misc.

  • Westlaw: Determining whether immunity applies (Corpus Juris Secundum - April 2008 | Charitable Corporations and Associations | Liability for Tort; Immunity | Where Immunity Doctrine Not Abrogated | Determining whether immunity applies)
  • Westlaw: "No-immunity" view (Corpus Juris Secundum - April 2008 |Charitable Institutions and Organizations | Tort Liability or Immunity | General or Broad Views As to Immunity)
  • Westlaw: Applicability of principle of respondeat superior (Corpus Juris Secundum - April 2008 | Charitable Institutions and Organizations | Tort Liability or Immunity | Partial or Limited Immunity; Effect of Particular Circumstances | "Corporate" or Subordinates' Negligence | Applicability of principle of respondeat superior)

Chapter 109, An Act Further Regulating Access to Birth Certificates

1.  Procedural History and Bill Versions

2. Committee Documents

3. Floor Documents and Conference Committee Documents

4. Executive Action Documents

5. Press Reports (links only)  

Chapter 155, An Act Relative to Public Safety at Reproductive Health Care Facilities 

1.  Procedural History and Bill Versions

2. Committee Documents

3. Floor Documents and Conference Committee Documents

4. Executive Action Documents

5. Press Reports (links only)  


Chapter 63, An Act Providing Incentives to the Motion Picture Industry

1.  Procedural History and Bill Versions

2. Committee Documents

3. Floor Documents and Conference Committee Documents

4. Executive Action Documents

5. Press Reports (links only)