Fertility Preservation Questionnaire

March 9th, 2016

Erika Chow has long been aware of the issue of shrinking populations in developed countries. Japan has faced the problem for many years, and every time she visits family in Taiwan, she sees hospitals that famously specialized in obstetrics are shutting down. Last year, a rash of articles exposed the fact that Germany is now struggling with the very same problem and has now become the country with the lowest birth rate in the world, surpassing Japan. Shrinking birth rates are due to women making jobs a priority, the increasing cost of raising a child, and rising infertility rates. As a result, the lab became interested in exploring the current attitudes towards fertility preservation in the United States, particularly in a young adult population, to gauge whether the US will soon face similar birth rate problems. If you are interested in contributing to our research, please click here if you are aged 18 and over.