

Jason Yust is an Associate Professor of Music Theory at Boston University. He earned his BA in Music at Brown University and his PhD in Music Theory at the University of Washington in 2006 under the direction of John Rahn. He was co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Mathematics and Music from 2018–2023 and is currently an associate editor of Perspectives of New Music. He has served on the editorial board of Music Theory Online and in various capacities for the Society for Music Theory, the Society for Mathematics and Computation in Music, the New England Conference of Music Theorists, and the Northeast Music Cognition Group, and is founder and former chair of the Society for Music Theory‘s Mathematics of Music interest group. He was also the Assistant Editor for Perspectives of New Music in 2007 and 2008. His work addresses a range of topics, from mathematical theories of rhythm and harmonic spaces to eighteenth-century form to music perception and scale theory. His 2018 book, Organized Time: Rhythm, Tonality, and Form, was the winner of the Society for Music Theory’s 2019 Wallace Berry Award.