GPIPS publications include:
Mimir: A Near-Infrared Wide-Field Imager, Spectrometer, and Polarimeter, Clemens, D. P., Sarcia, D., Grabau, A., Tollestrup, E. V., Buie, M. W., Dunham, E., & Taylor, B., PASP, 119, 1385-1402 (2007).
The Galactic Plane Infrared Polarization Survey (GPIPS), Clemens, D. P., Pinnick, A. F., Pavel, M. D., & Taylor, B. W. ApJS, 200, 19 (2012)
Polarimetric Calibration of Mimir and The Galactic Plane Infrared Polarization Survey (GPIPS), Clemens, D. P., Pinnick, A. F., & Pavel, M. D. ApJS, 200, 20 (2012)
The Galactic Plane Infrared Polarization Survey (GPIPS): Data Release 1,
Clemens, D. P., Pavel, M. D., & Cashman, L. R. ApJS, 200, 21 (2012)
Resolved Magnetic Field Mapping of a Molecular Cloud Using GPIPS, Marchwinski, R. C., Pavel, M. D., & Clemens, D. P. ApJ, 755, 130 (2012)
H II Region Driven Galactic Bubbles and Their Relationship to the Galactic Magnetic Field, Pavel, M. D, & Clemens, D. P. ApJ, 760, 150 (2012)
Tracing the Magnetic Field of IRDC G028.23-00.19 Using NIR Polarimetry, Hoq, S., Clemens, D. P., Guzmán, A. E., & Cashman, L. R. ApJ, 836, 199 (2017)
The Galactic Plane Infrared Polarization Survey (GPIPS): Data Release 4, Clemens, D.P., Cashman, L.R., Cerny, C., El-Batal, A.M., Jameson, K.E., Marchwinski, R., Montgomery, J., Pavel, M., Pinnick, A., & Taylor, B.W. ApJS, 249, 23 (2020)