FOV-Based DR4 Data Products

Common Metadata Files and Tables

  • Summary TableGPIPS Field Properties Summary Table (266 kB) – Text file summary of the general properties of each of the observed fields, including a GPIPS field serial number, the actual Galactic longitude and latitude of the field image center, the observing run identifier, the night of the observation, the offset of the actual field center (in arcsec) from the nominal pointing center, first image number, the Secular Amplitude (slow variation in night sky transmission – see Clemens+12a), FWHM of the combined photometric image, as well as counts of images observed but judged inadequate for inclusion (Nuse0) and the number included in the analysis (Nok).
  • Observing Log (787 MB) – 1,123 scanned pages of the hand-written observing logs for all GPIPS observing nights.
  • Release NotesGPIPS_DR4_Release_Notes_v1.0_20200322 – ASCII file of notes related to the data products.

Mimir H-band data products – available here and at mirror sites

  • DS9 Overlays (Region Files) zip file  (16 MB)
  • Printable Images with Overlays

Archival Match Files