Category: Events

Food Trade Show Trends 2012

by Natalie Shmulik Here are some noteworthy trends popping up and sticking around in the current marketplace: The Hempest: Starbucks is currently working on its latest cold coffee creation – a blend of hemp and coffee beans. Lactose and gluten-free: Whether for health, allergy and intolerance, or simply to jump on the bandwagon, people are […]

April Food Events

We’re entering the last full month of the spring semester, meaning final papers, projects, exams, and graduation are just around the corner. As you endeavor to create masterpieces of food studies scholarship, remember that taking a break to refresh can actually increase productivity. So, join us at some great food events this month, including BU […]

Ready to get your hands dirty and D.I.T.?

by Aubree DuPlessis “It’s about acting your way into a new way of thinking, not thinking your way into a new way of acting,” Rachel Greenberger, Director of Food Sol, an action-tank at Babson College, reminded us at last month’s Food and the City Conference. Flashes of Lorenz’s butterfly effect and quantum leaps come to […]

March Food Events

March has come in if not like a lion, perhaps like a large house cat, with a bit of snow and chilly winds. But don’t let the unpredictable and often cold weather keep you from attending some of the food events planned this month—especially the guest lecture by Tracie McMillan on Thursday, March 29. Click […]