Author: Gastronomy Education

Give Yourself a Break!

It’s mid-November, and the end-of-semester crunch is upon us. Papers are piling up, you have more reading than you know what to do with, and that 20-page research paper deadline is looming in a few weeks. But don’t let all of your school stress burn you out – sometimes the best thing you can do […]

Chefs Collaborative National Summit in New Orleans

by Rob Booz You know what happens when you give a bunch of chefs purple, alcohol-drenched slushies? I do, and I’m not telling you a damn thing. New Orleans might be one of the most laid back, welcoming, and fun places that I have ever been to. It’s a good thing too: for one thing, […]

Allison Carroll Duffy’s Canning Workshop

by Meg Jones Wall On a freezing October night, while we slowly watched the cold rain turn into snow, a little group of food enthusiasts and Gastronomy students gathered with Allison Carroll Duffy to learn more about canning jellies, jams and marmalades. While some of us were canning for the first time and others were […]

So…What’s After Graduation?

As this semester’s editor of the BU Gastronomy blog and a graduate student in her last semester, working obsessively on her thesis, I’m not afraid to say it – this program is fantastic, but I’m a little afraid of my (currently non-existent) post-graduate plans. Right now I’m so ingrained in my thesis project, class readings […]