Author: Gastronomy Education

March Food Events

March has come in if not like a lion, perhaps like a large house cat, with a bit of snow and chilly winds. But don’t let the unpredictable and often cold weather keep you from attending some of the food events planned this month—especially the guest lecture by Tracie McMillan on Thursday, March 29. Click […]

Food News Round Up

If you didn’t watch the Oscars last night, you might have missed that The Muppets won for Original Song. And any Muppet lover knows that Jim Henson is also responsible for the characters of Sesame Street. In a, we’ll admit, slightly bizarre six-degrees-of-separation-kind-of-way, that explains why we’re doing Food News Round Up Sesame Street-style this week. […]

Introducing a New Graduate Assistant

Allow us to introduce our newest graduate assistant, Lucia Austria. She’ll be helping out with this oh so marvelous blog, as well as supporting program events and special projects. Lucia has long been intrigued by food and culture. “My parents are Filipino immigrants, and my interests in food and culture sprouted from my family’s love […]