MAKING Meaningful Partnerships

Limited or no meaningful change are the outcomes when the power is in favor of the behavioral health professional (Majid, 2020). We make room to partner with families to promote meaningful change and positive health.

behavioral health provider partnering with family member

In this section, you’ll explore mechanisms that foster building and maintaining authentic, person-centered partnerships with individuals and family members across behavioral health settings.

Many “partnership” relationships are supportive and compassionate, but are not true partnerships. You will practice the component skills of partnering that involves significant cooperation, sharing yourself, and collaboratively developing recovery goals and next steps. Building authentic partnerships is central to your practice, because:

  1. Like all health-promoting relationships, you aim to maintain transparent, honest, and clear communication with individuals and their families,
  2. The individuals and families with whom you work may be unfamiliar with and/or untrusting of behavioral health systems and/or your practice, and
  3. Strengthening the partnership — with authentic sharing, transparent communication, and person-centered support — can contribute to improved behavioral health outcomes.

This lesson facilitates practice:

  1. Collaboratively establishing meaningful partnership roles and responsibilities with individuals and families, tailored to their backgrounds
  2. Recognizing and implementing the skill of sharing yourself to strengthen the collaboration with families, and
  3. Navigating the steps of co-creating recovery plans with individuals and families.

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