
2024 Keynote Lecture – Reality and the American Dream: Embracing Young Immigrant Children and their Families to Create Belonging
Join us on October 30th, 2024, for a distinguished evening focused on the mental health and well-being of young immigrant children and their families. Hosted by the BU Wheelock Institute for Early Childhood Well-Being in collaboration with the Center on Forced Displacement, this event will feature a keynote lecture and... More

2023-2024 Newsletter
The Institute for Early Childhood Well-Being had a successful academic year with various activities connected to its mission to support and promote interdisciplinary community engagement and research in early childhood well-being. We commemorate our 2023-2024 school year with the following newsletter that we hope you enjoy. Please click the following... More

LASA 2024: Childhood, Diversity, & Family Complexity in Latin America
On Saturday, June 15, 2024 from 10:20 to 11:50 AM, Dr. Dina Castro and Dr. Luzmila Mendivil will present "The Afro-descendent Diaspora in Peru: Afro-peruvian Identity Construction in Early Childhood" in the panel of "Childhood Diversity, and Family Complexity in Latin America." This panel will be part of the 2024 International... More
2024-2025 University-Community Parternship Research Award
Congratulations to the 2024-2025 University-Community Partnership Research Awardees. The BU Wheelock Institute for Early Childhood Well-Being appreciates all who applied for the grant. We are excited to see each awardee's research progress in their interdisciplinary fields, focusing on early childhood well-being.

Preventing Violence Against Young Children: A Scoping Review Of Interventions In Low- And Middle-Countries
Dr. Lenette Azzi-Lessing, Clinical Professor of Social Work, at BU, and Dr. Margaret Lombe, Associate Professor of Social Work, at BU, were the recipients of a University-Community Partnership Research Award funded by the BU Wheelock Institute for Early Childhood Well-Being. We are excited to share a publication of their research: Preventing... More

April Research in Progress Meeting
Join us for an engaging event featuring: Register! Dr. Kimberly Crespo discusses how bilingual experience and cognitive factors shape learning. Dr. Alicia Mendez presents a systems mapping project aiding infant mental health in Massachusetts. Dr. Nurten Karacan Özdemir shares efforts supporting children and parents post-earthquake in Türkiye.

Early Childhood Well-Being Research Connections
Come to our flashtalks, participate in interdisciplinary conversations, and grow your professional network. Register Here!

The Education of Indigenous Children in Latin America

Institute Welcomes Dr. Yoonsook Ya
Welcome Yoonsook Ha to our team as Associate Professor and Social Welfare Policy Coordinator! We are thrilled to announce the addition of Dr. Yoonsook Ha to our esteemed faculty. With her background and dedication to social welfare policy, Dr. Ha brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise that will enrich our... More
Dr. Ruth Paris publishes new work in Infant Mental Health Journal and is awarded two new grants
Earlier this year, Institute Associate Director for Research, Dr. Ruth Paris published two articles in the Infant Mental Health Journal, both of which examine parenting stress in different contexts. The first looks at the roles of trauma and reflective functioning in parenting stress and competence among mothers of young children... More