
Registration: Email to
Name, Institution, Email, Phone, Paper title (if presenting), Banquet: YES/NO, Payment of the conference fee is due in cash upon arrival.

Speakers: If you want to present at the conference, you have to formally register and pay the conference fee in advance. We are receiving a strong response and will soon run out of slots. Register early!

Banquet: Reservations for the banquet have to be made in advance. If you want to participate, you have to formally register and pay the conference fee in advance.

Vendors: If you want to exhibit or sell books, CDs, or other materials at the conference, there is no extra charge, but you have to formally register and pay the conference fee in advance. Space is limited. We are receiving a strong response and will run out of tables. Register soon! For more information please see the Vendor Information page.

Scholarships: Some scholarships will be provided from the proceeds of this and last year’s conference. A scholarship includes a fee waiver plus a share of travel expenses. Applicants should be within three years of completing the Ph.D. (before or after). To apply, please send registration information, plus status of Ph.D. and name of advisor, as well as draft abstract of paper to

April 15, 2014   preregistration closes, abstracts for papers due
May 15, 2014    detailed schedule and abstracts e-mailed and posted

On-site Registration: Participants who choose to attend without giving a paper or attending the banquet may register on-site. The fee for all four days is $80. It is also possible to register for single days: US $30 each.