Welcome Dr. Gross

Colloquium Speaker: Dr. Megan Gross
Department of Communication Disorders, UMass Amherst

“Bilingual Development and Neurodiversity: Examining Children’s Communication and Family/Clinical Perspectives”

Friday, April 7
4:00-5:00 pm

610 Commonwealth Ave, Boston MA
Room 106B

We are excited to welcome Dr. Megan Gross from UMass Amherst to campus next week as part of BU’s Research Colloquium Series! Dr. Gross is the director of the Bilingual Language Development Lab at UMass Amherst, and her work focuses on the intersection of bilingual development and neurodiversity in children, and her talk will incorporate family, clinician, and community perspectives related to bilingual language development. Please join us for her presentation discussing her research on Friday, April 7.