
Read on and Behind the Screens in front of You

By Bochao SunDecember 22nd, 2017

Neil Postman in his book Amuse Ourselves to Death criticized the overwhelming entertaining content of television programs during the 1980 in America which ruined public discourse. Politics, religion, news, athletics, education... More

Form or Content?

By Zhenghao PanDecember 22nd, 2017in Events, News

  Does content and culture matter? This is a very relevant question considering the speed at which new media technologies are emerging. Is it the form of the media that gets... More

“Medium is the message”

By Muyang ZhouDecember 22nd, 2017in Events, News

“The medium is the message”, Marshall McLuhan (1964) contended in his masterpiece “Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man”. This quote has then served as an important perspective as people intend... More