
Call for Paper

By Hannah Rose GardnerJanuary 30th, 2018in Paper Call

*Online Information Review* (OIR)
Special Issue on "*Social Media Mining for Journalism*"

Special issue:

[[ Impact Factor: 1.534 ]]

Submission Deadline: *February 28, 2018*


The exponential growth of social media as a central communication practice,
and its agility in capturing and announcing breaking news events more
rapidly than traditional media, has changed the journalistic landscape:
social media has been adopted as a significant source by professional
journalists, and conversely, citizens are able to use social media as a
form of direct reportage. This brings along new opportunities for newsrooms
and journalists by providing new means for newsgathering through access to
a wealth of citizen reportage and updates about current affairs, as well as
an additional showcase for news dissemination.

As well as being a big opportunity and having changed the day-to-day
practices in the newsrooms, social media has introduced a number of
challenges when it comes to news gathering, verification, production,
reporting and dissemination. These include real time monitoring of streams,
event detection, noise filtering, contextualisation, source and content
verification,fact checking, annotation and archiving . The development of
more advanced algorithms and tools for journalists requires not only
furthering research in computational techniques, but also engaging more
closely with journalists to understand how they work, what problems they
are facing when using social media, and how their day-to-day workflows can
be improved.

In this special issue we are looking for contributions that address a
variety of research questions from both theoretical and practical
perspectives. For example, how can we best utilise social media for news
production? What technologies can we use for breaking news detection,
filtering, aggregation and contextualisation? How can we assess the
veracity of social media content and sources? What moral, legal, and
ethical issues arise when professional journalists use social media as a
source? How can we organise, interpret, and retain a record of social media
around news events? What does this record contribute to our larger
understanding of news, and the writing of news?


Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

* Newsgathering from social media
 ** Citizen journalism
 ** Detection of eyewitnesses and topic experts
 ** Event detection in social media
 ** Social media content curation
 ** Fact-checking and verification of sources and content
 ** Credibility assessment
 ** Social media and fake news

* Social media news analytics
 ** Social media analytics for news
 ** Analysis of news diffusion in social media
 ** Visualisation of news and social media
 ** Social media to measure public opinion on news
 ** Analysis of the effect of fake news on public opinion

* Data and Computational journalism
 ** Robot journalism with social media as a source
 ** Algorithmic accountability and transparency
 ** Data driven storytelling
 ** Data driven investigative journalism

* Ethics and digital citizenship
 ** Ethical issues concerning social media newsgathering and eyewitness
 ** Social media news audiences and network gatekeeping
 ** Social media and censorship


Submissions should comply with the journal author guidelines:

Submissions should be made through ScholarOne Manuscripts, the online
submission and peer review system. Registration and access is available at


* Arkaitz Zubiaga, University of Warwick, UK
* Bahareh R. Heravi, University College Dublin, Ireland
* Jisun An and Haewoon Kwak, Qatar Computing Research Institute, Qatar


* Papers Due: February 28, 2018
* First round decisions made: 25 April, 2018
* Revised manuscripts due: 23 May, 2018
* Final decisions made: 27 June, 2018
* Publication Date: Late 2018

Call for Abstracts

By Hannah Rose GardnerJanuary 30th, 2018in Paper Call, Resources

mobileGov World Summit and Global mobileGov Awards 2018
Brighton UK during 14-15 June 2018, @Hilton Metropole.

This year’s main theme of mobileGovWS2018 is mindfulGovernments: how
public sector IT and service delivery to citizens are influenced by
the mobile and artificial Intelligence technologies. As is the
tradition, we do not just ‘organise’ a conference but we establish
connections among like-minded professionals and organisations to
create ‘value’ in making technology to best serve the nations and the
needs of the citizens.

The organisation is seeking highly qualified speakers and experts to
give talks and tutorials and propose panels or special sessions to be
part of the next mobileGovWS2018 as well nominations for the Global
mobileGov Awards.

Ways to participate mobileGov World Summit and Global mobileGov Awards 2018:
- Exhibit and make a demo of your solutions: The summit is very much
practice oriented and is soliciting demos and exhibitions.
- Become a speaker: send us max 2 pages of abstract of your prosed
talk (abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings)
- Propose panels, special sessions or tutorials.

Global mobileGov Awards 2018.:
- industry, NPO or Government, you are requested to nominate yourself,
your company or organisations.
- "Academic Category" for outstanding academic contributions and
research is also open.

Please visit and show interest.

General topics include, but not limited to
- mobileGovernment, mobileDevelopment, mobileSociety,
- IOT and Artificial Intelligence as well as
- good old fashioned eGovernment, smart cities and smart government
- big data, open government,
- mobileApps, service and Content delivery
- mobileID, participation, privacy and security

All abstracts /  talk summaries and accepted award descriptions will
be published by mLife Events and Publications.

For other specific topics and coverage please review the draft program
at the conference site and please share conference flyer and videos
among your colleagues at

Panel Members Needed

By Hannah Rose GardnerJanuary 30th, 2018in Resources

At the 11th Central and Eastern European Communication and Media Conference
(CEECOM 2018, from 30 May to 1 June, 2018, in Szeged, Hungary, ) we are organizing a panel entitled *Platforms and
Digital Journalism – Mapping the Connections between Technology, Culture
and Policy*, and we would welcome submissions from scholars of the current
digital media ecosystem and digital journalism.

*The CFP:*
Platforms – particularly Facebook and Google – have become dominant in
shaping how digital media and journalism functions in the contemporary
media ecosystem. As more and more users consume news and various other
types of content through the newsfeeds and algorithms of platforms, the
more power platforms have over influencing or even controlling the means of
distributing, ways of consuming and scope of creating and sharing digital
media content (Bell-Taylor 2017, Helberger-Trilling 2016, Pew 2014,
Kalogeropoulos-Newman 2017, Tremayne 2017). The ubiquitous presence of
platforms alters editorial decisions and journalistic practices, also
users’ perception of news, thus affects deeply how traditional online media
companies are able to reach their audiences and monetize their reach. We
wish to organize an open, interdisciplinary panel, with 5-6 participants,
including talks on the most important relations between either the
cultural, policy, journalistic and technological aspects regarding the
intertwined nature of platforms and digital journalism. We would
particularly welcome presentations on the following aspects: country- or
region-specific, data-based analyses on the role of platforms in local
media markets; changing journalistic roles, strategies and practices in the
newsfeed-ecosystem; news consumption habits and trends. Researchers with
diverse disciplinary and methodological backgrounds are welcome.

*The deadline to submit a short (250 words) abstract is close: 31 January
2018. *
*You can submit an abstract here:*

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Tamas Tofalvy, PhD
Researcher, consultant | Digital media, journalism, popular music
assistant prof @ Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Dept. of
Sociology and Comm.)
project lead @ Hungarian Online and Digital Media History (MODEM) project
M: [0036] 30 488 75 84
Web: [EN / HU]
A: H-1111 Budapest, Egry J. u. 1., BME GTK E ép., 713.

IAMCR 2018 | 20-24 June | Eugene, Oregon, USA

By Hannah Rose GardnerJanuary 26th, 2018in Paper Call, Resources

The Environment, Science and Risk Communication Working Group invites submissions of abstracts for papers and panels for the 2018 International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) conference to be held 20-24 June in Eugene, Oregon, USA. The deadline for submissions is midnight GMT on 31 January 2018.

The conference will be held under the general theme, ‘Reimagining Sustainability: Communication and Media Research in a Changing World’.The general conference theme is directly relevant to the Environment, Science and Risk Communication Working Group. We encourage the submission of papers that focus on the role of communication and media in both promoting and impeding sustainability. Material communication systems consume energy in their manufacture and use, contribute to problems of pollution and waste, and in their dominant commercial forms, support and encourage a general culture of unsustainable hyperconsumption. What alternatives would advance the full and equal access to diverse information and comprehensive knowledge bases that UNESCO advocates as central to achieving sustainable societies? We encourage participants to address these issues, in relation to both prevailing systems of communication and the systems now emerging around the application of artificial intelligence, the rise of automation and robotics, and the internet of things. We also welcome analysis that reassesses and reimagines sustainability in relation to openness, transparency, accessibility, and the recomposition of power, as we continue to explore the implications of media and communication in an interconnected world.

However, papers from the full range of environment-science-risk-communication topics and perspectives will be welcomed and considered.

Key themes for the Eugene sessions of the Working Group will include:

  • Local impacts of digital transformations in science and environment communication
  • Democratic debate and citizenship in risk politics
  • Environmental and science activism and new media
  • Public/political engagement in science and environment communication
  • Social and political uses/constructions of science, nature and the environment
  • Science/environmental journalism and the political
  • In-equalities of discursive control/influence in the public sphere
  • Visual environmental communication
  • Science and health-related media panics
  • Media, advocacy and local/global environmental change
  • Scientific controversies/environmental crises, spin and news management
  • Media-communication roles in environmental crises and disasters
  • Media and public understanding of science/environment issues
  • Comparative environmental communication
  • Media/social media and counter-factual environmental discourses
  • Science, evidence and credibility in the new (post-factual) media environment

Guidelines for Abstracts

Abstracts should be between 300 and 500 words and will generally be evaluated on the basis of: 1) theoretical contribution, 2) methods, 3) quality of writing, 4) literature review, 5) relevance of the submission to the work of the working group, and 6) originality and/or significance. Each proposal must include a clear title, name(s), affiliation, institutional address and email address of the author(s).Bibliographies and author profiles are not required.

The Working Group accepts abstracts in English, Spanish and French. If you are planning to present in Spanish or French, you are expected to have an English powerpoint.

Individual papers and panels are possible, but all proposals must be submitted via the IAMCR Open Conference System at Early submission is strongly encouraged. There are to be no email submissions of abstracts addressed to the  Working Group Heads.

It is expected that for the most part, only one (1) abstract will be submitted per person. However, under no circumstances should there be more than two (2) abstracts bearing the name of the same author either individually or as part of any group of authors. Please note also that the same abstract or another version with minor variations in title or content must not be submitted to more than one Section or Working Group. Such submissions will be deemed to be in breach of the conference guidelines and will be rejected by the OCS system, by the relevant Head or by the Conference Programme Reviewer. Authors submitting them risk being removed entirely from the conference programme.


The deadline for submission of abstracts is 31 January 2018.

Decisions on acceptance of abstracts will be communicated to applicants by the Working Group Heads no later than 15 March 2018.

Environment, Science and Risk Communication Working Group:

WG Heads: Pieter Maeseele (Chair), Joana Diaz-Pont, Kerrie Foxwell-Norton,Maitreyee Mishra (Vice-Chairs)