
Is the Television Still Revolutionary Today?

By Margot MenestrotSeptember 14th, 2018in Blog

Over the years, a variety of fundamental communicative innovations have been introduced that have affected the world we live in. These have altered the means we use to communicate and expanded its ease, reach and possibility. One of these innovations is the television, a technology that changed our lives and... More

Radio’s Future as a Tool for Political and Social Involvement

By Jane ZitomerSeptember 14th, 2018in Blog

In 1890, Guglielmo Marconi discovered radio. There is some debate regarding whether Nikola Tesla should have received credit instead of Marconi, and a case concerning financial compensation was taken to the Supreme Court years later in 1943. Radio transmissions sent and received their first signal in Italy in 1895. In... More

From Camera Obscura to Instagram

By Adela CejnarovaSeptember 14th, 2018in Blog

The invention of the first camera dates back to the ancient Greece and China, where camera obscura was used to project an image upside down. Although camera obscura has been developed and used for many years, the invention of preserving the images could be considered the real breakthrough in photography. More

Revolution of Television and Its Future

By Xinping YuSeptember 14th, 2018in Blog

Hundreds year ago, the first television has been created and introduced to the public. And nowadays, with the development of modern industry, television is known and used by nearly everyone and every family. Watching TV and enjoying those TV programs have been the most common entertainment during our spare of... More