Category: Uncategorized

Threats of Social Media Filter Bubbles: Legitimate or Exaggerated?

Recent American politics have spurred various conversations around the notion of a rising populist movement. Populist ideology, as opposed to liberal or conservative ideologies, is not conceptualized as on one end of two poles, but rather an ideological horseshoe – a non-establishment ideology that exists outside the political mainstream, yet contains a union of some […]

Political Activism, Trump & The Hybridization of Older and Newer Media Practices

The sphere of political activism continues to evolve as emerging media systems take their place in the field. Today, online activists are looking to establish the balance between “disciplined and professional” and “relaxed and experimental”, as explains David Babbs founder of 38 degrees. As the field of political activism has been revolutionized by ever-changing media, […]

The Political Information Cycle: Fabrication, Bots and Filter Bubbles

The hybridization of older and newer media systems has given rise to new complications in political information cycles. The term “news cycle” used to refer to the period of time between a newspapers latest and next issue (Chadwick, 2017). It was a time for “gathering, writing, editing, compiling, selecting, and presenting new material or new […]

Political Campaign, Polarized Political Views in a World of Hybrid Media

As people become more engaged and connected through emerging communication tools like the social media and online forums, political campaigns, including those of Politicians asking to win vote, political activists who wish to influence policy-making all have found ways to adapt to the new media system – a hybrid system of traditional mainstream media like […]

The Role of New Media in Political Engagement

Political movements are happening every time in every place of the globe. However, due to the discrepancy between the regulations of local governments, they are conducted in different ways. Some of them are radical and direct, while others are moderate and non-extreme. With the development and infiltration of technologies, new media has become a very […]

Do social media influence citizens’ political participation?

It is a pervasive phenomenon that nowadays people use various technological tools such as TV sets, laptops and mobile phones, to engage with media and political content. Chadwick et al defined dual screening as “the bundle of practices that involves integrating and switching across and between, live broadcast media and social media” (Vaccari, Chadwick, & […]

Media Multitasking: Beneficial or Destructive?

In today’s world of emerging media, the question arises as to how we use different types of media and technology simultaneously, and whether this media multitasking is beneficial to us. Groshek and Kongard (2016) mentioned how Media System Dependency theory is particularly relevant to how individuals use social media today. The way we consume media […]

Media Hybridity, Binge-Watching, and Politics

The media composition has been continuously changing for decades with new technology emerging and incorporating itself into the previous media landscape. Currently, we are at an age where, more than ever, technology allows regular people to take part in the creation of media coverage, and exchange information rather than only passively receive it. Naturally, this […]

From the Niche to the Nebulous: Infomediation in the Age of the Networked Creator

On Twitter, the hashtag trend #SoMe4Surgery has been popularized among networks of surgeons and medical professionals as a way to have general discussions about surgery, share ideas, and connect with similar individuals in the field. An October 13th network analysis from scotpublichealth (via: the NodeXL graph gallery) samples 18k tweets containing #SoMe4Surgery from 1.1k twitter […]