Category: News

Looking at iPhone with Revolutionary Eyes

Steve Jobs announced iPhone at the Macworld convention at the beginning of the year 2007 gaining substantial eyeballs from all walks of life. Half a year later on June 29, 2007, the first iPhone was released. People waited outside Apple stores for days in lineups that ran for blocks wanting to own the newest revolutionary […]

Information about the Emerging Media Studies One Year Master’s Program

Ali Parisi’16 MS in Public Relations, has just written a blog post about the Emerging Media Studies Master’s program.  This program is the first in the nation to focus specifically on emerging media! In the blog she provides an overview of the program and highlights the Extended Group Research Project Seminar, a full year course […]

Katz: Pressure to “whittle away” at tech free Yellowstone

Katz comments about the move to increase bandwith in Yellowstone National Park in a recent AP article (11/3/14).  Dr. Katz spoke about the “natural experiment” he conducted last summer while traveling through the park with his teenage children, all of whom complained as soon as they lost connectivity. Katz is the author of The Social Media President: […]