Author: Alexander Rochefort

Network Analysis, Politics, and Platform Power

The rise of social networking sites, the Internet, and mobile computing have ushered in a new era of social organization and interaction. This three-pronged change, dubbed the Triple Revolution by Rainie and Wellman (2012), has “made possible the new social operating system… call[ed] ‘networked individualism’” (p. 12). The characteristic features of this transformative event enable […]

Society of the Screen

Recent years have seen a return of political economic approaches to analyzing manifold facets of digital media (see, e.g., Gehl, 2014; Rigi & Prey, 2015; Obar & Oeldorf-Hirsch, 2018). This perspective is especially relevant, as the hegemonic influence of technology on society is perhaps best understood as a confluence of powerful political, economic, and social […]

The US Postal Service as a Revolutionary Communication Innovation

Traversing Kentucky and Tennessee in 1830, Alexis de Tocqueville observed that not “in the most enlightened rural districts of France there is intellectual movement either so rapid or on such a scale as in this wilderness” (Tocqueville & Reeve, 2013). More than 175 years before social media, the United States postal service transformed the fledgling […]