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Tiana Alves
Interests: Sustainable development/smart growth, urban design, green infrastructure





DSCN0634Jay Belmore
From Providence, RI
Graduated from the University of the District of Columbia, Journalism
Currently works for the City of Boston’s Department of Transportation
Urban Affairs major at BU



FullSizeRenderNikko Brady
Master of City Planning
Planning Interests: Focusing on framework development and policy implementation that incorporates environmental analysis with social and economic developmental goals.
– Food policy and resource management (Including disposal and reuse of foodstuffs: ex. composting and anaerobic digestion
– Living Systems and environmentally responsible development (Including mitigation and adaptation strategies relating to impending climate changes)


bucetaLaura Laso Buceta
Born in Vigo, a city in the northwest of Spain, moved to Madrid and started degree in Architecture in 2012.  Third year student, doing a semester abroad at BU.
As a future architect, my interests in design are substantial. Planning is part of architecture, there is a change in scale, but the design principles that make people feel safe, relaxed and cherished are the same. One of my goals as an architect is to help people be comfortable and achieve a better life quality through the design of their houses, neighborhoods or towns.


wenjia chenWen Jia Chen
Candidate for master of urban planning
Bachelor of architecture
Interests: Sustainability, Urban design



DSC_0064Brian Creamer





Megan Doiron
BA Biology (Boston University)
Interests: Environmental planning, parks planning

ProfilePicMidUkemeabasi Esiet
Interests: Sustainable development, economic and community development




Anju GeorgeAnju George

Hail from: Kerala, India
Interests and related hobbies: Architectural Design, Community Development, International Development, Urban Palanning and Design, Sketching
Degree attained: Bachelors in Architecture from BIT, Ranchi
Degree pursuing: Masters of City Planning (Candidate, ’15)


hamalaMark Hamala

Undergraduate: University of Nevada-Reno ’12, degrees in History and Psychology
Studying abroad in Alicante, Spain pushed me towards planning after seeing the successful urban environments of Europe and wanting to see more of that at home. In my free time I enjoy listening to comedians (big Louis C.K. fan), coaching youth lacrosse, and sipping on coffee as I read.

Planning Interests:Public Space & Urban Design, Economic Development, Public Transportation

BU Symposium Pic - Darrell H

Darrell Higginbottom
Public safety official and Vice President of a local community based non-profit organization
Interests: Municipal governance, emergency preparedness, social equity, and economic development




3e935a6Charlotte Hodges

Urban Affairs 2016
Planning Interests:
Urban food accessibility and culture, multimodal public transportation, and retrofitted buildings.

IMG_3159_2Jamila Hudson


14-8316-SMGGRAD-024Allison Perri Newman
Interests: Transportation, neighborhood development, social equity




foto ainhoa (1)Ainhoa Schapira
Third year architecture student at San Pablo University Ceu (Madrid, Spain)
Interests: Architectural design, Urban design, Graphic representation (AutoCAD, Rhino, Photoshop…)
Enjoy studio work: sketches, 3D models, drawings…


Profile Pic - ColinColin Simmons
Hometown: Syracuse, NY
Undergraduate Degree: Urban Planning, History (SUNY Albany)
Work: Space Database Manger/CAD Analyst, BU Office of Planning & Design
Interests: Urban Development, Affordable Housing Development, Community Development and Urban Design


Spellman Website PhotoDavid Spellman

David Spellman is a second year Urban Affairs student interested in the intersection between criminal justice and urban public policy. His hobbies include Crossfit, yoga, and bourbon-based cocktails.




Bijie Zhang


face shotMadhu Dutta-Koehler
