These are ~30 papers/preprints I have published over the years on a variety of topics including decision-making, motor control, and multisensory integration. My scholar page has all the numbers you want:. I have also included altmetric badges where available for these papers as a measure of the impact of these studies. As of Jan 2025, the lab has a h-index of 21, and cited more than 2500 times.
Updated: Jan 2025
independent work at Boston University (Jan 2019 – Present)
- Aghamohammadi C, Chandrasekaran C , Engel TA. A doubly stochastic renewal framework for partitioning spiking variability. bioRxiv. 2024:2024-02.
- Genkin M, Shenoy KV, Chandrasekaran C , Engel TA, The dynamics and geometry of choice in premotor cortex , ( link )
- Lee EK, Gul A, Heller G, Lakunina A, Jaramillo S, Przytycki P, Chandrasekaran C ., PhysMAP-interpretable in vivo neuronal cell type identification using multi-modal analysis of electrophysiological data BioRxiv. 2024:2024-02.
- Huang Y, Li G, Bai T, Shin YJ, Wang X, More AI, Boucher P, Chandrasekaran C, Liu J, Fang H, Flexible electronic-photonic 3D integration from ultrathin polymer chiplets, in press at Nature Flexible Electronics, 2024.
- Hasnain MA, Birnbaum JE, Nunez JL, Hartman EK, Chandrasekaran C , Economo MN. Separating cognitive and motor processes in the behaving mouse. in press at Nature Neuroscience, 2024 (link)
- Boucher P, Wang T, Carceroni L, Kane G, Shenoy KV, Chandrasekaran C Initial conditions combine with sensory evidence to induce decision-related dynamics in premotor cortex , in Press at Nature Communications
Code and Data
- Kleinman M, Wang T, Xiao T, Feghhi E, Lee EK, Carr N, Li Y, Hadidi N, Chandrasekaran C*, Kao JCY* A cortical information bottleneck during decision-making , Peer reviewed at eLife ( link ).
Additional information
- Lee EK, Carr N, Perliss A, Chandrasekaran C, WaveMAP for identifying putative cell types from in vivo electrophysiology . Star Protocols, Volume 4, Issue 2, 16 June 2023, 102320 (link)
- Lee, EK, Balasubramanian H, Tsolias A, Anakwe SA, Medalla MM, Shenoy KV, Chandrasekaran C, Non-linear Dimensionality Reduction on Extracellular Waveforms Reveals Physiological, Functional, and Laminar Diversity in Premotor Cortex, see bioRxiv preprint . (independent work) , eLife 2021;10:e67490 (link)
- Chandrasekaran C, Hawkins G (2019), CHaRTr: An R toolbox for modeling Choices and Response Times in decision-making tasks, J Neuroscience Methods, Oct 3;328:108432 (link) (Code and Software)
- Casas JP, Chandrasekaran C (2019), openEyeTrack – A high speed multi-threaded eye tracker for head-fixed applications,Journal of Open Source Software, 4(42), 1631, ( link )
- Chandrasekaran C, Blurton SP, Gondan MG (2019), Audiovisual detection at different intensities and delays, Journal of Mathematical Psychology,91, 159-175, see biorxiv preprint (link).
Postdoctoral work with Dr. Shenoy and collaborations with Dr. Newsome and Dr. Sahani:
- Peixoto D, Verhein JR, Kiani R, Kao JC, Nuyujukian P, Chandrasekaran C, Brown J, Fong S, Ryu SI, Shenoy KV, Newsome WT (2021), Decoding and perturbing decision states in real time, Nature 591, 604–609 (2021). (link)
- Wang M, Montanede C, Chandrasekaran C, Peixoto D, Shenoy KV, Kalaska JF (2019), Macaque dorsal premotor cortex exhibits decision-related activity only when specific stimulus-response associations are known., Nature Communications (link)
- Chandrasekaran C, Bray IE, Shenoy KV (2019), Frequency shifts and depth dependence of beta band activity in the dorsal premotor cortex during perceptual decision-making, Journal of Neuroscience, (link).
- O’Shea DJ, Kalanithi P, Ferenczi E, Hsueh B, Chandrasekaran C, Goo W, Ramakrishnan C, Diester I, Kaufman MT, Yeom K, Deisseroth K, Shenoy KV (2018), Development of a new world primate model for rapid optogenetic neural circuit dissection, Scientific Reports, volume 8, Article number: 6775
- Chandrasekaran C, Peixoto D, Newsome WT, Shenoy KV (2017), Laminar differences in decision-related neural activity in dorsal premotor cortex, Nature Communications 8, 614 (link).
- Chandrasekaran C, Computational Models and Principles of Multisensory Integration, Review in Current Opinion in Neurobiology for special issue on Neurobiology of Learning and Plasticity, 43, 25-34 (2017). (link).
- O’Shea DJ, Trautmann E, Chandrasekaran C, Stavisky SD, Kao JC, Sahani M, Ryu S, Shenoy KV (2017), The need for calcium imaging in nonhuman primates: new motor neuroscience and brain-machine interfaces, Experimental Neurology (review), 287, 437-451.
Doctoral work with Dr. Ghazanfar at Princeton University :
- Chandrasekaran C, Lemus L, Ghazanfar AA (2013), Dynamic faces speed up the onset of auditory cortical spiking responses during vocal detection, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110 (48), E4668-E4677. (link).
- Chandrasekaran C, Lemus L, Trubanova A, Gondan M and Ghazanfar AA (2011), Monkeys and humans share a common computation for face/voice integration, PLoS Computational Biology, 7: e1002165. ( link )
- Chandrasekaran C, Turesson HK, Charles Brown, Ghazanfar AA (2010), The Influence of Natural Scene Dynamics on Auditory Cortical Activity, J Neurosci 30: 13919-13931.
- Chandrasekaran, C, Turner L, Bulthoff HH & Thornton, IM (2010), Attentional networks and biological motion, Psihologija, 43(1), 5-20.
- Ghazanfar AA, Chandrasekaran C , Morrill RJ (2009), Rhythmic Facial Expressions and the Superior Temporal Sulcus of Macaque Monkeys: Implications for the Evolution of Audiovisual Speech, European Journal of Neuroscience, 31: 1807-1817.
- Chandrasekaran C, Trubanova A, Stillittano S, Caplier A, Ghazanfar AA (2009), The Natural Statistics of Audiovisual Speech, PLoS Comput Biol 5(7): e1000436.
- Chandrasekaran C, Ghazanfar AA (2009), Different Neural Frequency Bands Integrate Faces & Voices Differently in the Superior Temporal Sulcus, J Neurophysiol, Feb 101(2): 773-788.
- Maier JX, Chandrasekaran C, Ghazanfar AA (2008), Integration of Bimodal Looming Signals through Neuronal Coherence in the Temporal Lobe, Current Biology, 18(13): 963-968.
- Ghazanfar AA, Chandrasekaran C, Logothetis NK (2008), Interactions between the Superior Temporal Sulcus and Auditory Cortex Mediate Dynamic Face/Voice Integration in Rhesus Monkeys, J Neurosci, 28: 4457-4469.
- Chandrasekaran C, Canon V, Dahmen JC, Kourtzi Z, Welchman AE (2007), Neural Correlates of Disparity-Defined Shape Discrimination in the Human Brain, J Neurophysiol. Feb; 97(2): 1553-65.
Preview, Technical Reports and Book Chapters
- Ghazanfar AA, Chandrasekaran C, (2012), The Influence of Vision on Auditory Communication in Primates, In Neural Correlates of Auditory Cognition, Springer Handbook for Auditory Research (SHAR), Edited by Cohen YE, Popper AN, and Fay RR, Springer Press.
- Ghazanfar AA, Chandrasekaran C (2012), Non-human Primate Models of Audiovisual Communication, In The New Handbook of Multisensory Processes, Edited by Stein BE, MIT Press, Pages: 407-420.
- Chandrasekaran C, Ghazanfar AA (2012), Coding Across Sensory Modalities: Integrating the Dynamic Face With The Voice, In Principles of neural coding, edited by Quian Quiroga R & Panzeri S, Taylor & Francis Press.
- Chandrasekaran C, Ghazanfar AA (2011), When what you see is not what you hear, Nature Neuroscience, Jun;14(6):675-6.
- Ghazanfar AA, Chandrasekaran C (2007), Paving the Way Forward: Integrating the Senses through Phase-Resetting of Cortical Oscillations, Neuron, Jan 18;53(2): 162-4.
- Chandrasekaran C, Thornton IM, Bulthoff HH (2006), Selective Attention and Biological Motion, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Technical Report 139.
In Review/Resubmission
- Chandrasekaran C, Soldado-Magraner J, Peixoto D, Newsome WT, Sahani M, Shenoy KV (2018), Brittleness in model selection analysis of single neuron firing rates, under revision for PNAS, see biorxiv preprint. (link). under revision
Postdoctoral work
- Peixoto D, Kiani R, Chandrasekaran C, Shenoy KV, Newsome WT (2018), Population dynamics of choice representation in dorsal premotor and primary motor cortex , in press at Nature Communications, see biorxiv preprint (link). under revision
Postdoctoral work