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Other Career Development-Related Projects

Using career narratives to understand processes associated with forming a career identity among adolescent youth

Through a sample of 1,600 10th and 12th grade youth, this study involves a secondary qualitative analysis by using Howard and Walsh’s (2010) developmental model, Conceptions of Career Choice and Attainment (CCCA), and McAdams’s (1985) life-story model of identity. By using Marcia’s (1966, 1980) adolescent identity development, a stratified random sample of 90 narratives were also conceptualized as emerging from two processes – making a commitment to a career goal and active engagement in career exploration.

Family ability to support their youth with disabilities in preparing for post-school transitions: Strategies and challenges

Through the semi-structured interview of 30 family members and/or guidance of student with disabilities, the study uses a modified grounded-theory strategy to analyze and identify themes the interview narratives. The purpose of the study is to address the extent to which families were involved in career exploration and preparing for their children’s post-school transition, knowledge about the career development process, sources of support/connecting activities they have received, etc.

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